"Urban whore" sexism train wrecks Scientific American's holiday weekend

It’s not about that at all. It’s entirely simpler. Someone got accused of sexism. Fair enough. Then they are also accused of racism. Hold on. Citation please. Citation given. Citation lacking.
If you were accused of jaywalking, would it also be ok to just accuse you of shoplifting with no proof?
(edit) with dubious evidence?


Time to write this one off, dude. You’re already at like 9,000 words, half of them have four syllables, and no-one was impressed even when you started bolding some of them.


We are not in court, and none of us get to decide what Dr Lee is offended about. If I were in her shoes I would have been offended as a professional, a scientist, a woman and a black person. Maybe others would parse the comment differently. But that’s neither here nor there. Because we weren’t called urban whores- she was.


You’re one of those people that thinks it’s okay to call someone the ‘n-word,’ because “Well they use that word all the time to refer to themselves, which totally makes it all right, right?” aren’t you?

So - you’re treating “urban” as a similarly loaded insult? Get serious.

Hmm. Who was it said no-one was trying to be censored?
All the guy asked for was a little citation beyond the dubious gawker article and a few anecdotes.


And she’s got every right if she wishes to be offended by the ‘whore’ bit, but unfortunately, because it’s a regular word that’s in her own username she doesn’t get to be offended by the ‘urban’ bit. Simple.


“Time to let someone else talk.”
“Just stop.”
“It’s time to stop posting.”

Would you argue that attempting to pressure or coerce someone into silence is not a form of censorship? Because the above quotes are all clearly hostile in intent, and are attempting to evoke social pressure and shame.

The above quotes remind me of similar phrases. Perhaps you’ll notice the similarities. “Go back to Africa!” “Get a real job!” “Lay off the twinkies!” “Go eat a sandwich!” “Uninstall the game!” “Go die in a fire!” “All a lesbian needs is a good dicking!” “Shut up, faggot!” “No one cares what you think!”

You’re also again trying to evoke shame in order to silence me now. “They’re trying to help you not embarrass yourself anymore.” No, I don’t believe you’re being kind and compassionate, or that you’re just looking out for my best interests. What you seem to be doing is attempting is to instill in me a sense of shame or social rejection, presumably in the hopes of upsetting me and causing me to say something illogical which you can then attack in lieu of my actual arguments.

Fortunately, I’d like to think I have remained sufficiently composed in spite of this tactic.

Nothing, absolutely nothing is so “obvious” that it “doesn’t even bear explaining”. To religious zealots, the amorality of others is “obvious”. To eugenicists, the supremacy of their prefered genetic code is “obvious”. To tyrants and conquerors, the rectitude and necessity of their terrible actions is “obvious”.

To deny questioning - to deny doubt - is to operate on blind faith. You cannot shame me by accusing me of doubting, and whatever arguments you believe yourself to be able to win through blind faith are mere delusions.

I never argued morals, yet you accuse me of doing so. I have repeatedly explained the nature of my argumentation, but you have ignored my statements and reasoning, attempting to overlook them entirely; or discredit me personally; or conflate my arguments with other arguments I did not and do not make. You attempt to evade my logic with obfuscation, disingenuity, and manipulation.

I say to you once more - please address the arguments I have actually made.


Simple: you don’t get to tell other people what they have the right to be offended or not offended by. You may say you wouldn’t be offended, but you weren’t actually called an urban whore.


People have the right to be offended by whatever they choose to be offended by, but taking that offense is a choice. They also don’t get to choose what words become racial derogatory slurs, wider society will do that thank you.
And so far as we can tell (citations lacking), ‘urban’ is not one of those words.

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In the current context it is - inform yourselves.


Halfway through your post, I thought perhaps you were expressing sympathy toward my position. Shortly thereafter, I realized you were just joining the bandwagon.

I find this development regretable. But as others reminded me, there are other logicians among this community who find value in my posts. Therefor, I see no reason to refrain from continuing my efforts, so long as I remain composed and logical.

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Still awaiting that citation.


We often suspect of others what we know of ourselves.

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Wow! This is your response to somebody who has a different opinion than you? “Shut up, don’t you see that nobody cares?”
Not nice. Not professional.


fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckity fucking fuck

What the fuck is going on here? Why is this such a mal-co-ordinated “bickering shitfest”?

BB used to be a great place for pithy insight. Pith shows brains. Pith is persuasive.

Get on it people.

The guy called her a whore - regardless of anything else. My kids certainly aren’t allowed use that word.


I’m still hoping Mr. Beschizza will take the time to address my concerns logically, and would like to attribute his response to the lateness of the hour, it being either early morning or very late night depending on your viewpoint and sleep schedule.

Based on the fact that he took the time to tally the collective word count of my posts, presumably he is willing to take the necessary effort?


Maaan, is it so hard to understand that the discussion was not about the right of the doctor to be offended. It is ONLY about the dubious reasons for the author of the article to bring racism into the discussion. Dr. Lee did not say she was offended by the racism, Rob Beschizza did and that is in question here!


We’ve had lots of pithiness - “conciseness and forceful expression” - (not from me, obviously, as I’m far too verbose :stuck_out_tongue:), but I’ll admit we’ve seen very little insight.

Even my initial comments weren’t terrible insightful - they were merely cautionary.

Well said, my friend. Quite “pithy”, if I may.

Welcome to the BB community - and congrats on your first posts!

I’m a middling class middling age white guy sitting in London, UK, and the meaning, intentioned or not - although that delicate ambiguity is often just a play by people smart enough to understand how language and rhetoric work - was insulting to my eyes.

I couldn’t believe anyone would actually write that. Were I hosting a debate on my premises, and were that phrase said, I would boot the speaker out, regardless of the composition of the rest of the room, for being goddamned rude.