Use of "like" feature as feedback loop for Front Page Posts?

Wait, what am I doing?


Anecdotally, tonight I noticed that thereā€™s a couple of threads where you and some others seem to have adopted/continued to ā€œlikeā€ bb editors for just posting things to the FP, and Iā€™m curious whether there are any interesting trends in the data, now that itā€™s some year later after the bbs started.

thereā€™s a couple of threads where you and some others seem to have adopted/continued to ā€œlikeā€ bb editors for just posting things to the FP

I canā€™t speak for others, but I only click ā€œlikeā€ on articles I like. It has nothing to do with who posts it or where itā€™s located or whateverz. Is it wrong? Because if itā€™s not right, I donā€™t want to be right. :smiley:

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sure, sure. I infer that youā€™re clicking like there because you (and others) are glad the topic got posted. since thereā€™s no mechanic to ā€œlikeā€ any given FPP, thereā€™s this guerrilla mechanism of liking the autopost that gets generated in the BBS.

Iā€™m not judging whether itā€™s wrong or right (although Jeff stated upthread that heā€™s not a fan of it), Iā€™m just curious as to whether thereā€™s any interesting patterns in the data. Have more people discovered this mechanism? Are there certain common themes in the types of FPPs that get likes? That sort of thing.

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Iā€™m not judging whether itā€™s wrong or right (although Jeff stated upthread that heā€™s not a fan of it), Iā€™m just curious as to whether thereā€™s any interesting patterns in the data. Have more people discovered this mechanism? Are there certain common themes in the types of FPPs that get likes? That sort of thing.

I doesnā€™t look to me like it gets used very often so I think the stats would be a fairly weak barometer of interest, etc. But I would be curious to see anomalies and such. I think if they put the heart button on the main page, itā€™d be far more visible and useful, perhaps.

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