Using history as a time reference

The world headquarters of The Church Of The Untrue Scotsman will be located in Effigy.

I think Jack Chick thinks Diana is a cover for the Catholic Sky Goddess and therefore for Satan.

When everyone else knows that Diana of the Ephesians is Cybele who is the Amazon Mother Goddess.


Yeah, I am confused too. Also, first time comments I made got bumped to a whole other discussion, because I was “off-topic”. So I have that going for me.

To answer @AcerPlatanoides , on purpose I choose to visit the website, I choose to notice the issues. I choose to be uncomfortable and wish things were different (dare I say better). I choose to see that for sure that Cory was trying to make a point with his line of dictators, prime ministers and presidents. I don’t think anyone needs to be more responsible than me. with my perceptions that I bring to the table. I’ll take responsibility for that. I’m good.


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