Vaccine-caused illness cured by hidden TV cameras

I don’t disagree with you on this. But I do think anyone who actively pursues attention of this sort, or gets onto channeling or faith healing or whatever, should expect to be rigorously examined.

Philosophically I agree with you. Practically, I feel like we have no margin with wich to tolerate antivaxers or climate deniers or Nickleback fans.


Guess who is the a-hole in the k-hole …

But seriously, this looks a lot like she’s been snorting ketamine. I mean the dubstep mix may have skewed my diagnosis, but I recognise these symptoms.

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Wouldn’t surprise me, some of the biggest antivaxers I’ve unfollowed on Facebook have been burners that do a tremendous amount of club drugs.

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I think insurance fraud is the most likely scenario. Though being caught failing to keep up the act in public suggests that she wasn’t very good at long-term planning anyway, so it might not be possible to deduce motives from actions.

Well, that’s possibly an even more plausible explanation.


I’m glad I re-read the post.

My first impression was that vaccines might cause dubstep. At that point, I was starting to wonder if whooping cough and polio were really all that bad.

Thank Cthulhu it was just a remix.



Sure, when Monty Python does the same thing,everyone laughs. A woman does it and we call her names.

Kidding, Kidding, I swear.

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‘Believes vaccines cause autism, doesn’t mind snorting a drug that can actually make you piss out your insides’ Yup. That sounds about right.


I vehemently disagree.

“Attention whore” is a term that refers to someone being a “whore” for attention. The implication is that they are selling themselves for attention.

Comparing it to a pejorative like “fag” is completely inappropriate. When someone calls you a “fag”, they are saying that you are a homosexual and that being a homosexual is bad. The more accurate analog would be the word “retarded”. The word “retarded” is short-hand for “mentally retarded”. When someone calls you “retarded”, they are saying that you are stupid, and have the same relative intellectual capability as a mentally handicapped person.

When people decide that words like “whore” or “retard” are awful words that need to be stripped out of our language, they are being pedantic morons. The word “whore” and “retard” are conditionally insulting. The context determines if they are insulting. As an example:

  1. His education will be retarded.
  2. The penguins were whoring themselves.
  3. The flame retarding cloth saved the babies life

So, you could argue that the context of “attention whore” is that it isn’t used accurately. A “sex whore” trades sex for money. An attention whore is someone who will do “anything for attention”. I could see the derogatory nature of that statement. I have also seen people call someone a real “IT genius” for fixing a VCR. I didn’t think it was insulting to the the IT workers.


Are you trying to be this obtuse, or do you just not care to read the context of people you respond to?

Whores are considered lowly in status.

They call them “attention whores” and not “attention vcr repair” because the latter is values neutral.

Give it up, you’re not going to decontextualizing a slur by pretending you’re not using it for the very same slur.

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Because both are considered pitiful, subhuman creatures by you.

You personally don’t have to go through life being terrible to everyone around you, you know. You use “whore” and “retarded” in the same context as “fag”, because you feel disdain for them all.

Grow up.

May you one day develop empathy for people who aren’t like you, may you one day care more about others than tossing out slurs to make yourself feel better about your own questionable life choices.


And thus the implication is that a “whore” is “selling themselves” for money rather than selling sex services for money. That implication is because we regard sex as an act of unique significance to who we are. As I said above, why not use “attention hairdresser” as a hairdresser is also a person who allows their bodies to be used by others for money? Or “attention construction worker” or “attention fast food cook”?

If “whore” were not derogatory in and of itself the phrase wouldn’t have it’s impact.

Anyway, you can “vehemently disagree” all you like. Even if you genuinely feel “whore” is a value-neutral phrase describing a person who will have sex for money, a little bit of googling will inform you that plenty enough people - including lots of people who it describes - find it an offensive term. If, knowing that the word is offensive to the people it describes, you think it is more important to keep using a particular word than it is to be considerate towards the people you are hurting, then all I can say is that I disagree with your priorities.

Your post is entirely about what words mean and how they are used and which words we ought to use based on the definition of those words. Calling other people “pedantic” while doing this seems a little ridiculous.


Ms Jennings’ fame within anti-vax / mercury-chelation circles was back in 2009 / 2010, if memory serves.

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