Vegans sue Burger King over meat contamination of Impossible Burger Whopper

This is, like the fourth omnivore who has asserted that they are the target audience for vegan food products. It’s interesting to see how oblivious self-absorption manifests in pretty much all modes of privilege.

Or, it might be because the Impossible company has stated repeatedly that they are not targeting vegetarians or vegans for their meat because they don’t eat meat, they are targeting meat eaters because they eat meat.

Ignorance privilege is sooo hot this year.


I assumed the Impossible Burger was not quarantined based on years of experience not ordering the grilled cheese at any burger joint.

Steak 'n Shake, I’m looking at you.


So in your world the ceo’s both saying their target consumers are ”meat-eaters looking to eat less meat” are irrelevant, and they just accidentally decided to place these products in grocery stores beside meat products, what, by accident, to piss off vegans?

These aren’t my assumptions they are literally the actions of the manufacturer. The only third part assumption I see being made is yours by assuming vegan products are only for vegans, despite reports that 90 percent of plant-based foods are eaten by omnivores.

How about this: it’s important for as many people to eat plant-based foods as possible, regardless of what kind of ”eater” they self-identify as, and there are way, way more omnivores out there to target and convert.


Can this particular bit of marketing twaddle die in a fire?

:no_entry_sign:animal byproducts = vegan.

Do the prejudicial jokes that you tell in other contexts also rely on such stale, obnoxious stereotypes?


Of course anyone has the right to eat whatever diet they want. I wouldn’t actually make this assumption irl, and I respect the ethical commitment.

There’s just enough truth in the stereotype to make it fodder for a joke, ykwim? And even if the stereotype were 100% true, it’d be a pretty harmless foible.

I’ll think this over, though, if you are deeply offended (and/or others chime in to agree) I am inclined to withdraw the post.

I’m not personally offended because I’m not vegan and I don’t do crossfit, but it does come across as a lazy stereotype IMHO, and one that doesn’t line up with the vegans I know personally.


Thank you for the considerate response.

I’m not personally “deeply offended,” but – leaving aside the boringness of a joke I’ve heard so many times before – I do object to stereotypical broadsides against any group of people that isn’t, let’s see, out to hurt others?

I’m fine with Nazi or fascist jokes, but veganism is not only relatively benign; its proponents are generally doing a good thing, usually for good reasons.

And like many others here have said, I do take it personally in a way, because none of the many I’ve known proselytize about it, and again, they’re generally good people, and the good they’re often managing to accomplish gets overlooked by lazy, “humorous” vegan punching. Which basically functions in the same way as, say, assuming that anyone who cares about animal welfare is automatically a card-carrying PETA member.

Does that make sense to you?


Lol no.

But bad joke is bad and you should feel bad.


Why? It’s actually a nicely inclusive, clearly descriptive bit of phrasing. “Vegetarian” and “vegan” are lifestyles. “Plant-based” accurately describes something that isn’t animal-based.


“A vegan, an atheist, and CrossFit enthusiast walk into a bar. I know this because they told me.”


The temperature of the grill will absolutely sterilize the dog shit residue, so where’s the harm?


Do people actually find this kind of mean, tired old shit funny?

Fuggit, I give up.


Favorite Halloween twitter name change: Salt, Fat, Heat, Yeet.

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eat up, have seconds


Good News! They were actually advertising these on the radio in my area today:
tl;dr Impossible Whopper Jr as well as Impossible versions of Hamburgers and Cheeseburgers.


So you didn’t die. Unlike contamination by nuts, which will flat out murder a body.

In other words, it’s not about the animals at this point.

I think the term you’re looking for is somewhere near orthorexia

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