Very fun algorithm guesses your name with surprising accuracy

It was very wrong. But…I’m trans. I changed the gender to the one I was assigned and it correctly guessed my dead name.

ETA: Interestingly, the first choice it gave me originally is my mother’s first name.


I was fairly certain this wasn’t going to get my name, and was vindicated. My brothers’ and sister’s names? No problem, but mine is an enigma. So why theirs and not mine? My parents are uncreative and chose popular names for my siblings, and were even more uncreative when they just named me after my father who himself had been given some decades distant relative’s name. So my name is distinctive and obscure, but still super uncreative on my parent’s part.

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“Is this your name?”

I guess we’ll never know what my effing name is because I can’t confirm or deny!


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