Video: "Everybody who plays frisbee golf smokes weed," says silly cop

Jeez. Just because there’s one good apple in the barrel …


We are all “playing along with the lie that this is a polite and civil interaction” every day, at least those of us who are adults. I know, it can be very unpleasant, but courtesy is the grease that allows the obligatory unpleasant daily interactions to take place in society.
You are a very lucky person indeed, or a hermit, if you never have to interact with someone you don’t like. And don’t forget, this guy’s got a gun!

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If there IS one good apple left in the barrel, it won’t be long before it too starts to rot.

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Or: Why is it that police officers beat their wives and girlfriends at about twice the rate of the general population?

That at least is a question based on statistical evidence rather than possession of a disc golf bag.


I don’t think ZikZak is talking about the routine daily interactions with annoying people, but very specifically about interactions with cops, where the power distribution is so blatantly lopsided.


And then you just answered your own question.

Which was a rhetorical one. It’s permitted.

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“Everybody who plays frisbee golf smokes weed,” says silly cop

Hey, don’t lump this mope in with us silly people!

But seriously, I think if you’re inclined to answer questions like that at all, they’re best met with non-answers, like If all squares are rectangles, why aren’t all rectangles squares?


Citizen: Every single police officer in the US is a fat, corrupt, donut-eating motherfucker who steals drugs from the evidence locker.

Police officer: Maybe, maybe not.

Citizen: If it weren’t true, you’d have said no.

Police officer: OK, no, I’m not that thing.

Citizen: Now you’re just lying to me.


All cops eat doughnuts.

“Thank you, Officer, but I’d prefer not to answer any questions.”

Good News! Frisbee golf-players are not a protected class, which makes this incident of profiling markedly more legal than usual! God Bless America.


And the dogs who catch frisbee’s are on catnip…

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police cannot into logic

Amen brother. I don’t think the unions will ever allow it, though.

You, sadly, may actually be closer to the truth with your comedic post than you intend…

And the cats who ignore Frisbees smell of elderberries.

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