Visiting Scarfolk, the most spectacular dystopia of the 1970s

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I would’ve been happy to see some of these in High-Rise. Amazing film.


Thanks for introducing me to the Scarfolk-verse or mythos. I am blown away by this creative dark fantasy with its urban, dystopian worldview and dense writing and art. I bought the Discovering Scarfolk hardback version and am savoring every tidbit, treasure, and idea.

So true…

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I enjoyed Scarfolk just fine without the explanation

Rob Ford was born in Scarfolk. His parents later emigrated by popular subscription.



Indeed, that is becoming quite a huge problem of late. Absolutely beyond satire quite frequently :confused:

Loving this and how the hell did I miss it before?

One for Baltimore:

I always mix up “tuppence” with “tupperware”. It’s a real problem.

Oh dear.

the Scarfolk concept was recently optioned for a British TV series

Whaaatttt!???! Please let this not be a lie.

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Having grown up in Carlisle, I feel like Scarfolk is based on it. It probably isn’t, but it felt like it was trapped in the 70s for most of the time I lived there.

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