Wake up and smell the autocracy — Trump is serious about dismantling American democracy

Lock 'im up!


His coup has been an ongoing process for years, and there is no shortage of willing traitors-both in and out of government-to achieve those ends by any means neccessary.

There’s more than one State govenment steadily marching in that direction, and there are plenty of billionaires eager to finance that goal.

They love power far more.

Yep. Using the means of Democracy to dismantle it. Seems to be working, so far.

These groups, their followers and enablers, as well the rest of the rat’s nest of traitors, aren’t a ‘cancer upon the body politic’… they are gangrene.

IF Uncle Joe wins reelection, there’s going to have to be a reckoning with these people, because they will not stop subverting Democracy.
After all, they’ve been at it for yearsdecades, in some cases.


I am going to very nerdily disagree here. Gangrene is an infection from without, an invasion, if you will, of hostile organisms. Cancer, on the other hand, is bits of the body “deciding” that their wants and needs are more important than any other consideration, including the survival of the body. With that understanding, a rapidly progressing and highly metastatic cancer meets the description of these traitorous asshats far better than an infection.


Chemo ain’t nothing nice… and the cancer might still come back… at least with gangrene, you can just lop off the gangrenous limb & carve a peg leg.

I think you are right, Doc; we are in for a rough ride, because those fuckers won’t stop.
Gangrene as a metaphor was just me being optomistic.


Survival post-amputation is much lower than people think - 50% after a year for leg amputation, which is lower than for a lot of (treated) cancers.


Too much of the country won’t even agree that treatment is necessary, let alone desirable. I would say citing stats for treated cancers is way overly optimistic!


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