Want to review Comey's book on Amazon? You gotta buy it


  1. Absolutely. Yes. 110%.

  2. This isn’t a one-off. It’s the new normal. I often cannot leave reviews on Amazon for murder mysteries I read on my B&N Nook.

I’m just saving that for later.

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Why would you?

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Why would you?

Why would I what?

Have concerns about tracking all media consumption? Because it’s a threat to the freedom to explore ideas in private. Surveillance inhibits behavior, even if it’s not overtly used for anything untoward. Fewer people will explore non-mainstream ideas because they know they’re being observed.

Or why would I review a book on a retailer’s site that I purchased or borrowed elsewhere? Because it’s a review of the book, which is the same regardless of where you get it. It’s applicable to people considering the book regardless of where they shop. Why shouldn’t I be able to share my review of Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom with Amazon shoppers just because I got my copy from Barnes & Noble? I understand that they want to reduce fake reviews, but the whether I bought it at Amazon is not a great proxy for “real review.”

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