Warning story: "I Regret my $46k Website Redesign"

Seriously, that is great! Easy to navigate, and no “give us your email to save 10%” popping up. On. Every. Page.

Something to be said for simplicity.


That is a neat website; clean and informative.




A friend had a story about working for a big company (you’d know the name) that hired a prestigious design agency (you probably wouldn’t know the name, but they were a big deal back then; they went bankrupt later) for a website redesign.

The new design sucked ass along every identifiable dimension. Management didn’t see it. All they knew was that they’d paid a big-name agency millions for the new site, so of course it must be perfect and anyone who said otherwise was just wrong.

My friend is a UX professional. She and a colleague set up an independent user-testing session where they video-recorded subjects interacting with the new site, hoping to prove to management what a disaster it was. Cue hours of footage of people scratching their heads and going “Huh? I just don’t get it. What does this thing do? Nope, nope, that doesn’t work.”

To their surprise, one of the subjects suddenly went “Oh, wait, this is OK. Yeah, this is good. I get this.” They ran over to see what was going on and discovered that Prestigious Design Agency hadn’t finished the job. There were still links on the new site that led back to the old site. And the test user had accidentally clicked on one of those and gone back to the previous version of the site.


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