Washington Post columnist on "repressing gag reflex" at interracial marriage

Funny, Tiger doesn’t think so. Why do you insist on labeling people ?

What century is Richard Cohen living in, and has there ever been a rational reason for such overtly racist bullshit? How soon can the WP sack him?

Oh, you are a troll. Carry on.

I didn’t write this article, by the way.


I often must suppress my gag reflex when I read Richard Cohen. Sadly, he is representative of the many Neanderthals in our country.

wot? Oh, you’re trolling! My bad. Carry on XD


Is your claim that there is no such thing as racial prejudice because race is a social construct rather than a biological reality?

Do you realize money is also a social construct? Would that mean that there’s no such things as rich or poor people?


Interesting, have you noticed this more after moving to the new discussion software, or is it just these sorts of topics where the sockpuppets creep in?

Think you might have been talking about my post? Not a sock puppet… but I guess that’s what they all say? Think you might have nuked my post though?

Deffo - if my kids elect to call themselves biracial, fine with me. Personal choice.

Uh oh. I better get checked out!

what genius! What clever putdowns! I am aghast that I should ever have read such nonsense!

Let’s face it - you’re being paid to do this, and not much, and you can’t even be bothered to ponder for a moment what alternatives to the standard playbook there might be in this circumstance

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Pretty standard view for 1958, when only 4% of Americans approved of biracial marriages. These days, however, it’s closer to 90%. Poor Mr. Cohen has been left behind along with the old, white, racists running the GOP.

Speaking of writing badly–why would it be a “gag reflex”? “Conventional” racists are certainly outraged at the idea of whites and blacks marrying, but made sick? Very odd choice of words.

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It’s just one of those subjects. There’s perhaps more leeway for ‘stunt’ accounts and the like on forums, which are a more performance-friendly medium. But, conversely, things like talking points, sockpuppeting, replying with the same thing to multiple comments, and so on seem to stick out more (which makes them both less effective and more annoying)

had to read that piece twice to form an opinion, but I really think he is trying to criticise racists rather then agreeing with them. Though he does it in an annoyingly well-hedged and incoherent way, apparently afraid to step on the toes of his conservative audience. That probably didn’t seem worth the trouble for an article that is not about racism but about the future of the GOP in Iowa.

One,clearly you haven’t been reading BB long enough to realize Rob sometimes posts stuff for the lulz and eyeballs.

Two, this is not a news site.

Three, a more general comment and question: what is it about criticism of WaPo that brings out so many brand-new commenters? If was any more cynical than I already am, I would suspect they’ve sent a sockpuppet army over here to defend the paper while simultaneously not defending Cohen.

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I don’t know, the “we totally have Native background, therefore I know about being a minority” plus “what about all the black/ ‘reverse’ racists” I’ve heard so commonly that I can’t tell whether they’re trolling or seriously believe these are convincing arguments.

Thanks! I’m always fascinated to know how these commenting systems may change the default culture or help/hinder moderation. Or, certainly, how much they make it easier to observe the shills/sockpuppets.

Should we be talking about this?

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Hopefully the last one to leave will turn off the lights. It’s as though no one there is receiving a paycheck.