Washington's $52.6 billion "black budget" exposed

“Truth is treason in an empire of lies.” I saw that on a meme.

In what way? Are you saying that there is some kind of essential function hidden in this ginormous dysfunctional mess? If so, please enlighten me.

I just meant that what appear to be insane outcomes from the sequestration are exactly the intended outcomes for those that put it in place. It wasn’t a comment on your priorities. (Though it was presented as such)

With the obvious exception of the unintended consequences on air travel - that got fixed right quick though.

I don’t think that it’s ever been brought to court; but I find it hard to imagine a world where lots of ethically disinhibited people have covert access to juicy information and at least some of them aren’t using that fact to their advantage (especially when exactly what information they have is a ‘state secret’, so it would be crazy difficult to prove in court that they were actually in possession of the information required to count as an 'insider; rather than merely having a decent run of luck with a mixed portfolio and an unrelated intelligence job).

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It’s kind of like rule 34 - If it can be corrupted, assume that it has been.

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The most adroit advice I ever heard/learned/read was simply: “Follow the money.”

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