Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/08/21/watch-1200-workers-convert-ab.html
In my city it would take longer to fill a pothole.
they have a doctor train painted yellow surveys track necessary to minimise accidents as trains travel at some speed
That’s probably the Gleisschotterbettungsreinigungsmaschine.
That’s pretty spectacular how they lowered the platform and replaced the tracks.
Tokyo’s subway system is pretty damn sublime.
Your city fixes potholes? Such luxury!
Of course the overnight work was merely the culmination of years of planning and construction. They would have had to prop up the tracks and excavate the tunnel mouth underneath them, and I presume that the tracks were specially built so that they could be bent down and connected to the tracks laid inside the tunnel.
Yet it’s still pretty freakin’ awesome!
Thanks for the hat tip Mark!
I saw it here first:
Reminds me of " The Days They Changed the Gauge"
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