Watch: angry cyclist wants to see the rule that allows disabled man to ride motorized bike on the trail

That man is obnoxious. The bipedal one, I mean. At least he didn’t try to citizens arrest him or citizens fine, citizens citation, or all the other penal nonsense those bipedal types are good at.

As to the question of where his law and order and screw manners attitude comes from, perhaps it’s the unconscious rejection of the rules and law we all drown in day to day? I mean, beyond the moralistic laws, the bylaws, the compacts, the federal rules, state laws, county and city codes? Can’t mow lawn on Tuesday, can’t paint it that color, can’t grow crop foods in the front lawn, must have blueprints in imperial units, blah blah blah, must wear preposterous shirt while riding two wheels to get a half mile speed increase or else.

Anarchy might be asking for too much borne because of someone who loudly proclaims their fetish for rules but just pondering the source.