Watch Bernie Sanders interview a couple of shopping mall goth kids in 1988

Hear tell they formed a cross-state club with Minnesota goths.


Can’t have that. Did you know he’s white, too?

I’m fairly certain I’ve never lived in Burlington! Maybe it’s @Wanderfound?


He is, by winning the next general election. You’re welcome Canada.

That’s a little… condescending? I’m not an anti-intellectual, but … I know this attitude so well, and 'm so tired of it. Seriously, at this point I’d rather see a kid put a brick through my window with only a vague idea why they’re doing it, than listen to people my age talk to themselves until I die.

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Situational awareness -there was a TV camera pointed at them.

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Whe that video was made Murray Bookchin had been living in Burlington for 17 years and was putting his anarchist beliefs into practice as part of what would eventually become Communalism. These two people sound like they are completely unaware of his existence.

Maybe they are just stuck between two times, 25 years too late to associate themselves with Bookchin and 25 years too early to associate themselves with Rojava.


I’m pretty sure @Wanderfound never lived in Burlington, Vermont either… :wink:

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It is funny to hear Bernie, with his unkempt hair-do, comment on her hair style.


Wait so he was 47 years old when this was filmed? He looks like he is 85 with his hunchback. This gives me some hope that he has found the hippie fountain of youth that will enable him to get younger and stronger through a presidency.

I hope if he becomes president he can afford a comb finally.

Naw man, that’s an actual defined hair style. It’s called “the Mad Scientist.”


I love this. My friend Sam Bartlett, who had played music for some benefits for Bernie when he was running for mayor in the 1980s… was, well I’ll let him say:

1994, on tour in my home town, Burlington, VT. We’d just pulled out of a gas station, and I said, “Look at that poor schlub campaigning for Bernie. He’s standing on the median strip in the rain.” He turned around and I said, “Wait, that’s actually Bernie.” I got out of the van to go say hi. When he saw me, he said, “Hey Sam.” Burlington is a small town.

(I love that it looks like Sam, the banjo player, is shaking Bernie down for some cash)

Sam hadn’t seen Bernie for years…



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