It’s been suggested that thermal cameras could be used to catch motödopers:
Pfft. Paul Newman was planking on a fixie way back in the old west times before it was the hip thing to do. While smoking. In a jaunty hat.
Not to mention, for the other riders on road bikes, apparently they are losing more energy to the wind resistance of shoving their legs sideways through the air, than they are able to deliver by pedaling. Which is not surprising, wind resistance is huge at those speeds.
Which is why science trumps “common sense” and “perceived wisdom”, folks.
I wouldn’t’a believed it, wid out ya whipped out da graphs 'n shit. :)[quote=“telecinese, post:23, topic:98847”]
Pfft. Paul Newman was planking on a fixie way back in the old west times before it was the hip thing to do. While smoking. In a jaunty hat.
Once more I run into the forum fault, of the like button only working once.
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