Originally published at: Stunt pro rides bike off cliff, flips mid air, and parachutes to landing | Boing Boing
Came here to make a flippant “poor bike” remark, then read it had its own parachute!
Amazing video.
What I’d really like to know is where this was filmed. Are those apartments on the edge of the mountain? Or a ski lodge?
“no bikes were harmed in the making of this video”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvXE5rsfuZQ Avoriaz says here, a ski resort in France.
Presumably the impressiveness of flipping a bike is that you’re able to do so before gravity has its inevitable say in the matter. Not taking anything away from the feat of parachuting off of a bike ramp, but the flip seems superfluous at such a height, no?
It’s not like any part of this was a necessity. The entire point…the only point…is to make it look cool.
Perhaps unimpressive rather than superfluous.
One of my friends used to do skydiving stunts like this. I seem to recall his URL was skydivingstunts.com. Anyway, these jumps require foolproof choreography to ensure that the human has a guaranteed opportunity to dismount and pull the rip cord. The gentle rotation of the flip provides that opportunity.
I’d only be impressed if he landed while still on the motorbike.
Thank you. Couldn’t see the info on the Insta link.
(And welcome back).
and @ashe : Wow, you’re seriously difficult to impress…
i think it’s maybe in the amount of caffeine consumed…
( although, i suppose it’s lucky that fry survived all that. probably helps that he’s a cartoon character. )
The interesting part was seeing the bike having its own parachute. I hope it was recovered and didn’t leave a mess (or damage) wherever it ended up.
Anyone can jump off an object and drop something, holding onto it is the hard part!
I was wondering if he landed on it, thinking “poor nuts!“
You want more flips?
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