Watch bizarre video: United Airlines employee pushes 71-year-old to floor, leaves him motionless

In the video it looked like they walked up the guy, looked down at him and just stood around. In the middle of a meeting so i can’t go back and rewatch it.


Umm, you, a close relative, just stood there watching her struggle for ten minutes? But others, total strangers, were remiss in not offering immediate aid you say?

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Well the bandwidth and hosting charges alone would be horrendous given how companies act these days. :slight_smile:

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An older male threatened a sounder female who retaliated who’s now the vial lain because united. At least that’s how I read it.


Thanks for some much needed clarification.

A video surfaced today of an incident from two years ago where a man was assaulted by UA employees and instead of discussing the event the discussion turns in to people wanting to know why this is just now being posted. I think I finally understand why people kept walking.


The last sentence was a joke. My aunt really did have that experience but I wasn’t there when it happened.


You never would think that "Don’t physically assault customers’ would have to be included in the training class.

Perhaps I’m cynical, but I don’t know what happened to this guy because I was busy watching outside the red circle thinking there must be some magician distraction slight-of-hand nonsense going down.

That is exactly what I was taught at CPR training. Specifically single out other bystanders to do things like look for an AED, call for help, or otherwise assist (also, specifically ask “Do you understand?”)

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What’s the statute of limitation for news?

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The name on his boarding pass printed as “BUTTLE” but it should have read “TUTTLE”.


I am getting a popup add for a boxing match on top of that video. Must be the keyword “united” in the meta data.


Talk about a shitty metonymy…


Christ! What a bunch of Trumpholes!

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