Watch Josh Hawley nearly tear up, blaming the left for men's love of porn

Originally published at: Watch Josh Hawley nearly tear up, blaming the left for men's love of porn | Boing Boing


Idleness is a problem among the lower classes.

It’s caused when people see that no matter what they do, they will not be allowed to succeed and prosper by the rich upper classes. The Josh Hawleys of the world, if you will.

It’s been clear a long time that hard work doesn’t pay. And “smart work pays” means you get to the top at the expense of those who trust you.

Most people don’t like working in futility, and don’t feel good about betraying others’ trust.

So then you get an economy full of rich psychopaths who enjoy hurting people, rising to the top and paying off the government to allow them to do what they like.




Couldn’t watch, no stomach for conservaporn.

Does it turn out that this is his O face?



Is he trying to suggest that real men spend their time chasing tail?

Because I have seen where that leads to. Those men never stop chasing tail.

Not even when they are on wife number 5. Not even when they do time for stat rape.

Porn and videogames are the better option.


Wait… As a woman who plays video games and is just kind of waiting to figure out what to do next (not much into porn thanks for not asking) I just kind of wonder what is so bad about this?

Like, this is pretty ok comparatively to other experiences of life I’ve had. If you’re just playing video games now and kind of trying to figure out what to do next then that’s… great actually. Take all the time you can while you can for that probably! Life might not always be so kind.


Complete bag o shit, don’t even start to cover it for this ahole.



He then tells the “heartbreaking” story of one such gentleman who said, “I’m sorta waiting for a light to come on — [beat for dramatic effect] — so I can figure out what to do next.”

I kind of identify with that guy. I withdrew into video games (not so much porn) and was sort of waiting for a light to come on too. Didn’t have any drive to do much beyond the minimum to keep my job and family. That light did eventually come on. It was a huge neon sign saying ‘YOU’RE TRANS’. So I guess manhood was a problem in my case, specifically my own! :sweat_smile:

Josh Hawley is still a horribly incorrect idiot though.


Since everything this creep says is contrafactual and disingenuous, does that imply that the real problem here is how so-called Christian men wield their own transgressions against women?

You betcha!

Is anyone shocked?


Porn and video games are big business. . .

Why is Josh Hawley so anti-American?


Ask any straight male, the first time we saw porn it made our little pee-pees feel all tingly, and the first time we saw a video game we forked over a quarter to play. Long before we knew anything of politics we liked playing video games, and we liked looking at boobies. It’s a bullshit self-serving argument, when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.


Hawley is the son of a banker who attended private school before studying at Stanford and Yale.

Ah yes, Yale University… an institution with at least a dozen known “secret societies”, certainly several of which are exclusively male-only. Are those the “traditional masculine roles” he’s referring to? The ones with hazing and class systems and where money=power? Those ones?

The only thing he was even close to getting right was presented without subtext, similar to the over-simplification of another message we’ve seen before: just like “Black Lives Matter too” the missing element in this guys statement is that thinking and feeling humans want to give us all a world beyond the toxic masculinity of THESE men.


Don’t publicly complain about your own browser history dude.


oh, yes! that is a delicious burn!

burned my nose, too, when I chuckle-snorted my martini out my nose!


We’ve found drawings and sculptures of naked women from ancient civilizations on up through recorded history to modern times. The only things that have changed are the complexity, realism, and method of transmission.

And cultures that suppress sexuality tend to have a lot of more “sex addiction” issues. The Bible belt consumes more porn (and more gay porn!) in general than other parts of the country.




Yeah that’s it. I’m uh, just so confounded depressed because no one will let me tell them how to live their lives or give me free monies that I have to do things I enjoy. See the tragedy that is my life.


So Josh feels guilty over enjoying these things, because assholes like him have told people they shouldn’t enjoy these things, and now he’s seeking to blame someone else because his idiotic puritanical values are getting in the way? Yeah. I actually hope he continues to consume porn and video games a lot and, as long as he continues to shame others over it, I hope he guilt himself into an early grave, palms worn completely smooth. (Could be from porn, could be from games, I don’t actually care either way.)


I’m quite sure his concern is that the “little people” are wasting their time doing these things instead of bringing him a Gin & Tonic


Missouri is in the lesbian belt. Mind you, there’s no breakdown of who’s doing the searches. Maybe it’s Missouri women?