Watch Josh Hawley nearly tear up, blaming the left for men's love of porn

While I guess I really don’t have a dog in this fight…

It so pisses me off that weak ass insecure boys like this dude are trying to push their lame ass, fearful definition of masculinity on everyone else. I mean come on.

Boy sounds like one of those boys who are so afraid of being emasculated that he literally thinks about it every moment of every day. Like, worried about if his tie color is going to look less than manly, or if his nails aren’t ragged enough, or what people are going to think about his masculinity based on which can of soda he grabs from the cooler or if he dares drink a bottled water or something. It’s like he’s so afraid of being perceived as feminine that his entire persona is an act to cover up for the fact that he has no idea what a man is, actually.

He has spent so much time trying to police his own sexuality it must infuriate him when he sees other people who don’t have to spend that much time, and either happen to match his definition of masculinity; and even worse when they are happy and healthy and don’t match it at all. They are violating all his rules and they don’t even seem to care! It’s almost like those rules that he spends his entire life trying to follow, that were instilled into him, don’t even apply to other people AND DAMN IT THEY SHOULD!!!

I pity him. I hope he gets the help that he needs to be a functional member of society.


Well that’s certainly one way to confuse the shit out of gamergaters.


Did he sell the kid some bootstraps?

I am so confused - guys were into porn and video games in the 80s and 90s when they were all real manly men (except for the wimps, of course). Why is it is problem now?

Also, no one is saying you can’t be a burly manly man who does things with his hands, like Nick Offerman. Just be cool to people while doing it, like Nick Offerman.


Ah, projection, once again.
The boy has never done an honest days work in his life, & now he is describing to one and all what his hobbies are.


Interestingly it is now posited that a number of these Paleolithic “venus” sculptures were not really fertility goddesses(as presumed by male archeologists), but rather created by women for women.


Hawley’s moronicity fits well with Madison Cawthorn’s call for parents to raise their sons as ‘monsters’:


He’s ridiculous, yes, but another reminder that he is one of the most dangerous fascists with a position of power in the federal government. This statement, in addition to being the usual projection/distraction, is right in line with point 12 of Eco’s features of ur-Fascism:

Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”


Breaking news: Josh Hawley admits he watches porn and plays video games because someone hurt his feelings. I’d say we’ll have film of Josh playing with his joystick at 11:00, but no one wants to see that.


More likely, someone else’s joystick.

Isn’t that usually how this story goes?


I think he’s saying that young men have been so emasculated and demoralized by feminism(?) that they can’t do anything but play videogames and watch porn. (Which… feels like less a “citation needed” moment, and more a “where’s any hint of a damn argument supporting this” moment.) Except even in that little snippet, the bit about the guy waiting to figure out what to do next tells a different story entirely, a loss of direction of another cause entirely.

Yep. The irony is people like him, the men for whom it’s so important to be “manly” that they live in constant fear that something they do or say or wear or think will be seen by others as insufficiently masculine, that they’ve stripped away all the choices in, and power over, their own lives. There’s a word for that… oh, right, emasculated.



Damn, awesome finger puppet action !!!

If God didn’t want us to masturbate, He would have made our arms shorter.


Sounds like the beginning of a great new living color song.

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Hawley sounds like somebody who is worried that his (male) equipment is going to fall off because he plays with himself–and can’t stop doing it.


Yes, but that’s why friends are so important!


Great idea! In the meantime, I think this song fits:

What’s the break down on the Cartoon states?
Step Mom porn seems to be “edging” in~


Since the guy doesn’t seem to really fit any definition of “manliness” he has espoused, and he seems to have a more definitive idea of what “manliness” isn’t than what it is, I wonder why he bothers spending so much of his time on the issue?

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