Watch Josh Hawley nearly tear up, blaming the left for men's love of porn

“Now how am I going to wipe my ass?”



It’s always projection with the qons. Always. There should be an Internet Rule Number for this, if there is not already.


This is the same bunch that seem to think Donald represents some kind of Alpha Male (a dopey idea in the first place not founded in actual science even for animals, but I digress). Based on what, I don’t know, because Donald is not from one of the “real America” regions, seems to have never worked a day in his life and spends hours on his hair and makeup. Their definitions of things seem not to be the least bit internally consistent.


I don’t know if they give a break-down. That was for 2016, so there might be a step or two change.

In fetishes, I think Missouri is a used underwear state (Show Me), but I doubt Hawley has to worry about anyone going after his tighty-whities.


I wonder if it’s deep shame over helping the California economy, too. They love to beat up on California, but I think it’s 100% jealousy that drives the RW to constantly hate on Cali. Seriously, what would America do without California? So much food comes from there (as much as wingers like to tell us that food comes from red states, most of mine seems to originate in Cali or Mexico) and then there is obviously a great deal of the IT industry, video games, Hollywood and yes, PORN, being made there…


What state was David Vitter from? That dude had a diaper fetish…

I’m boring and would go straight to the theory


Years ago - decades, in fact, I had a super-hyper-patriot archconservative Southern Baptist co-worker tell me how he had a “sex addiction” and did not want to be around women dressed “provocatively”. I asked a few probing questions because I found this just so…baffling. The questions just seemed to make him angry and red-faced, and I just avoided him after that. I found the dude quite unsettling in the first place, but that made him extra-creepy in my book. The notion that someone cannot control themselves around a woman - even if they were naked…well, I just find strange.


Ahh yes Hawley because real men don’t play video games, they live action role play insertion style. Did they teach you that at Stanford?


How old is Josh Hawley, anyway? I mean, Gen X is the first generation to grow up with video games, and most of them are probably older than Josh? (And to say nothing of porn) What is he going to rail against next, television? Radio? Whenever I see older people grumping about what “the youth” are up to (and not doing it right, of course) I tend to remember some commentary I read a long time ago about someone complaining about how reading would corrupt people’s minds by filling their heads with others’ thoughts (I cannot remember the exact reference right now)!

The more things change, the more they stay the same…just imagine if VR becomes more commonplace or something like a Holodeck, LOL.


The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

— Plato, putting words in the mouth of Socrates.


If I had a dollar for every article/advice column TV show episode written in the past 20 years featuring a woman trying to figure out how to get her partner to stop spending so much time on those two pastimes and spend more time with her, I’d be rich. Now he’s claiming that feminist women are causing men to choose this? GTFOH, Josh. Most of them were into that before they ever met a woman.


He then tells the “heartbreaking” story of one such gentleman who said, “I’m sorta waiting for a light to come on — [beat for dramatic effect] — so I can figure out what to do next.”

May I suggest grabbing some tissues and cleaning up?

Gah! What a generically unsupported argument. You could substitute just about anything for video games and porn: “Thanks to feminists and liberals attacking their manhood, men are turning to ketchup and relish. He related the story of one young man who puts sriracha on all his meals. “I’m not sure what condiment to use. I just keep waiting… for the fridge light to go on!”


LOL, I’ve known several men like this IRL. I used to tell them I consider myself a Zeta Male (because I just really don’t care about the usual pecking order that silly people like to spend all their time and energy on - this was a term I used BEFORE the stupid proto-fascists like incels/MGTOW and all that rot appropriated it - my meaning was about not wanting leaders nor followers, more looking at things as a network of peers, ideally) and watch them twist.

These same type usually seem to be especially concerned - nay obsessed with - that Teh Gheyz are actually trying to “recruit”. I think they are just projecting, because they are confused that no one rolled out the red carpet for them and gave them a special offer, LOL. Oh, and of course they think being gay is a “choice”. Nothing is more telling than that. I cannot think of any time in my life when I had to make a “choice” to be heterosexual. I think these people saying such things have some inner conflict they are dealing with. Possibly they are bisexual or homosexual and fighting like crazy against it.


I grew up in such a conservative household and setting. I’m bisexual, but I got the distinct impression that you are supposed to “choose to be straight” which has fucked me up so bad in so many ways.

That’s a bit why the whole “born this way” meme confused me. At least for gay people. I thought they were like me and could choose to be straight. And I was raised to believe that was a moral failing. And one in myself if I ever gave in to my own desires.

One of the many reasons I’m virulently angry with religion.


That, too (and that may be apocryphal although very apropos) but what I’m thinking of was more recent and about reading, especially. It was sometime between the printing press and now, if that narrows it down at all. :slight_smile:


“The free access which many young people have to romances, novels, and plays has poisoned the mind and corrupted the morals of many a promising youth; and prevented others from improving their minds in useful knowledge. Parents take care to feed their children with wholesome diet; and yet how unconcerned about the provision for the mind, whether they are furnished with salutary food, or with trash, chaff, or poison?”

Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove Family, Reverend Enos Hitchcock,1790


God’s tongue is quite skillful.


I think one of the explanations of sexuality that seems to make the most sense with my anecdotal experience with people and their various sexual preferences is that it’s more like height than it is a few fixed settings like gay/straight/bi. I’m not sure if that’s still the scientifically preferred view, but if so, it makes a lot of sense when you think about it. For myself, I just don’t see how even women find any of us men attractive. I think we look ridiculous. I’m just glad that a few women did find me attractive enough to date/marry, that’s all. Male beauty does not really compute for me, other than very much in the abstract and based on what I’m told is a good-looking man, if you will. But…absent that, I’d really have little idea except in very extreme cases what is an ugly man vs. an attractive man.

But for other males I knew growing up (and even as an adult) that seem to be using expletives like the f- word and q- word, overly concerned about where trans (women only, though!) might be pooping in public bathrooms, overly demonstrative and performative about REALLY REALLY liking sportsball, and so on, I think they might lie somewhere else on that spectrum than my subjective experience tells me that I am on and are just deep in denial. If the range was 0-100 from straight to gay, say, they might be about 40%-60%?

I honestly have always felt sorry for these people - I hope as time goes on, more and more of these people feel free to actually be themselves rather than self-loathing and repressing people who are out. It was truly hard to watch. The thing I will never understand was how they’d fly into a rage at even the notion of a gay man hitting on them. The few times it happened to me I just told them, hey I’m truly flattered (and honestly, I was, and am, because like I said, I think I look ridiculous) but that’s not really my thing. No big deal, life goes on, no one has to get angry about something like that. I think the only thing that explains the overreaction and the rage is if they are on a range where they are attracted to men (possibly as well as women).