And he came back to say that.
I’m on board with his calling a spade a spade, too.
Looks like DC Nat’l Guard was finally successfully invoked.
For fuck’s sake, even THIS isn’t enough to cut off his stochastic firehouse of Tweeted bullshit?!
Pray for the children & grandchildren of these idiots.
I can’t imagine seeing a scenario where they wouldn’t still be removing bullets from the capitol building’s walls weeks after Biden takes office.
What rock have you been under for the last 4 years? And can I join you?
Helpful prior art:
Wait, what. your government keeps files on computers? Last time I worlked for mine, it was all paper files in the registry, like something from a Le Carre book.
Pray for their families because of the doses of Covid they are all bringing home.
And the bastard still promotes his bullshit. Unfuckingbelievable.
That’s not what happened after OKC (and Ruby Ridge and Waco).
In hopes of avoiding anything on the scale of OKC the government moved to a watch and wait mentality. Essentially going hands off on the entire militia movement, allowing it to go unchecked. The GOP spent the decades afterwards shifting ever more to the fringe. And consolidated and locked in their control by manipulating our election systems and gutting voting rights.
And we’re watching the end result go down right now.
ETA: some of the principals and organizations all but confirmed to be involved or behind the Oklahoma City Bombing are not just still on the streets. But are involved with the alt right, right in the middle of the whole Boogaloo thing, and a couple of them have direct close connections to GOP politicians.
They were never investigated or charged. For fear of validating the “war against the government” claims.
Different reasons, different style, but “Rome” is being ransacked.
Can’t wait for January 20th when he tweets “I’M STILL THE PRESIDENT” and Twitter responds 4 hours later by badging it with a message saying “experts have called this election differently”.
Meanwhile, at least someone’s already thinking about consequences:
These protesters really should be at home writing letters to their congresspeople. Breaking windows and occupying government property is just going to
ugh, I can’t keep going. This is all so argh
And of course he’s blaming the liberals for those dumbasses swarming the hill lol
I am kind of hoping to hear vague snatches of “Ride of the Valkyries” before everyone looks up and sees the national guard helicopters come in.
The private prison industry should be drooling at the prospect of locking up every one of these seditious goons for 20 years.
45 sent out a recorded message with even more bothsiderism than the Charlottesville response.
Reiterated the idea of a stolen election; said he loves his followers, but go home.
Ongoing sedition from a traitor against the United States.