Originally published at: Watch robot barista ADAM do its thing | Boing Boing
It’s cute, but if you are just going to get a coffee out of a bucca bucca machine*, why have a robot there at all? It just seems like a very expensive/possible dangerous point of failure.
*bucca bucca machine is a general term coined by my partner for any number of automated coffee making machines. Named for the “bucca bucca” sound the machine makes as it dispenses coffee.
I’d agree that the real coffee robot in that video is on the left of the frame; but coffee served by an avatar of incipient automation presumably increases productivity by 3% more than normal coffee.
You would think a machine with a touch screen would have a more automation accessible interface than requiring a multi-axis robot to push a button.
I’ll be damned if I’m going to tip a button-pushing robot!
That robot has a certain EVE vibe (at least it seems to me, since I’m re-watching WALL-E).
Band Name!!
Especially when “wilding” customers take a crowbar or baseball bat to it just for likes on TikTok.
I feel like they missed an opportunity to put the arms right onto the coffee maker.
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