That strikes me as being like the Heartwarming Story of a child with cancer who got a massive donation to finish off the crowdfunding for their treatment.
I mean, yes, that the child got the treatment or the chimp touched grass is a good thing, but to portray it purely in terms of being “touching” really misses out the horror lying behind why the story happened at all. Like how the the US health system is a massive psychopathic clusterfuck where children will be left to die of cancer if they can’t pay up, or how a sentient, sapient being could have been kept in a cage for TWENTY EIGHT FUCKING YEARS without ever having been allowed to see the sky.
I am overjoyed that Vanilla finally got to see the sky and touch grass. And I want to burn things down because she spent Twenty. Eight. Motherfucking. Years. in a cage before she was able to do so.