Watch this Bloom County Christmas special from 1991

I have this on DVD! It is an annual tradition, and given that I don’t celebrate Christmas so much as endure it, that’s saying something.

It should have been longer, but I do love it. My favourite part is the clip ripped off from Lost Horizon. “We’re going down! Why are we going down? We’re going down because… PENGUINS CAN’T FLY!”

That and that Santa’s flying theme is from The Magnificent Seven. And the Elvis cameos. And the name of the toy shop where Opus buys his balloons. And… shit people, just watch it.


The ducks have Three Stooges voices!

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FWIW there is a higher quality version here:

Neither seem to be sanctioned copies so if you like it, you should probably download a copy for posterity.

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For an Aussie accent it’s terrible but it’s not too far off for a New Zealand accent :wink:

Didn’t know this existed and don’t want to click to hear any voices.

It would be like somebody made a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon.

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Since you linked to Spider-Man, I offer something I came across the other day.


Same here. If a Calvin & Hobbes animated special existed, I wouldn’t watch that either. The 1994 Far Side special worked because (1) the comic never had any distinct personalities to begin with (2) most of the vignettes are either wordless or nearly so, and (3) it was every bit as brilliantly demented as the comic so any break from form was easily forgiven.


I never heard of that one either!

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Consider yourself one of today’s lucky ten thousand!


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