Watch this house fall down a cliff

Regardless. If you do not enjoy non sequiturs for humor, you may want to look into a Xanax prescription if you are going to continue to frequent Internet.

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Who needs Xanax when we’ve got good herbal remedies that do the trick? For example, a fine single malt scotch.


This was apparently the failure of a retaining wall on a new construction site. I hope that there was plenty of insurance on the properties.

@Papasan mi casa es suicidal.

@FGD135, “Dirt can be surprisingly tricky to work with sometimes.” Just look at the situation the current administration has got in to.

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good color lapse
no heavy saturation

Sounds pretty much like the Thredbo disaster, except that was two ski lodges, the main culprit was a broken pipe and not deliberate irrigation (helped by some snow melt) and 17 people died.

Amazingly one bloke caught in the landslide was pulled out alive being trapped for over 65 hours (with many of those below freezing).

So yes, steep hills and water in the ground can certainly lead to landslides and tragedy.



Oh. I think I get it. :grin:

And I hope you’re right!

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