Watch this impossible stunt as 6 bouncing balls go down maze and end up in same cup

Originally published at: Watch this impossible stunt as 6 bouncing balls go down maze and end up in same cup | Boing Boing


Well done Cree! now go run for city council.

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The odds aren’t high at all. Build and test 6 paths one at a time until each works, then release at the same time.


Came to say that this was surely what he did, too. But it is still an impressive achievement.


That they all end up in the same cup is only slightly less impressive than that they never collide, being released simultaneously. It’s a great art piece.


is this the replacement for two girls one cup? :scream:
Be forewarned… do not look meme that up…

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Too late. What do you have to eat to make that stuff bounce? :astonished:

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He certainly had to take note of the individual paths to ensure that none of the balls collided. :smile:

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I’d be more impressed if getting the balls into the cup was dependent on specific collisions happening.

Anyway, he cheated. He modified the laws of physics to create a miniature black hole in the cup. Easy when you know how the trick was done.

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An engineering feat like this should be trivial for a Kree.

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Not Scrabble trays. I own those exact objects, and they are part of a small all-wood marble raceway I got in the 70s or 80s.

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