Originally published at: Watch this video of nanny who 'turned out to be a predator' and get exactly what you were promised | Boing Boing
Fucking voodoo magic, man!
Want some candy? https://youtu.be/lsDci3A76N0
This is from a little seen test pilot for a show called “The Predators”, a sit-com about a family of predators from another planet who have their difficulties but always know how to have fun and laugh and pull together as a family when life gets tough. Oh, and also they hunt and slaughter humans. Hilarity ensues.
oh, THAT kind of predator, not the other kind, thank goodness.
Wrong movie but same universe solution:
PS - HUGE fan of the Predator. I just wish the movies were as good as the first two…
I wouldn’t have had to watch the video if the title was “Our nanny turned out to be a Predator”.
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