Watch water drops magically sprout into beautiful snowflakes (or melt in reverse)

Originally published at: Watch water drops magically sprout into beautiful snowflakes (or melt in reverse) | Boing Boing



So instead of the trendy ‘sn0wflake’ epithet can we revert to the old-fashioned term and just call them ‘drips’ now?

(Since when did typing ‘sn0wflake’ in a reply - with its proper letters instead of what I had to do here - trigger a flag making the reply need moderation? Anyone would think they were ■■■■■)

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That was beautiful, but the part of my brain that parses causality is feeling like a reverse-petted cat.



My only criticism is the visual compositing technique that blurs the outer edges of the snowflakes in a faux depth of field way.

Compositing for the sake of compositing is a beauty-pass trap that can very much get in the way of the captured beauty i.e. the good stuff that is happening at the periphery is sacrificed for style for style’s sake!

My favorite Tomita album!

The theme music for the original Star Hustler (Jack Horkheimer), seen on public tv starting in the 70s, was Tomita’s interpretation of Debussy’s Arabesque No.1 from this LP.

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