We are all just two or three crises away from the street

Of topic, sorry. I will reply (not today nearly 23:00 over here) in the fermentation topic. Ok? But it is a bit boring story.

Letā€™sā€¦ Not bring that up.
Iā€™d love to hear the apple blend. I need to plant some trees.

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Sometimeā€¦like maybe when weā€™re in a more appropriate thread, have me tell you guys about my Prohibition boot legging grandpa.


Some time Iā€™ll have to tell my grand kids about theirs.



This. Whatever you think of the idea of oft-quoted ideas like how making people share health care costs will reduce societal costs, health care is not a market the way it is set up today.

Iā€™m very lucky, I have great health insurance. But when I fill a prescription at CVS (which has my insurance information on file), I literally canā€™t find out how much it will cost until I go to pick it up after it has been filled.


Youā€™re putting words into my text. I donā€™t see where I questioned the writerā€™s compassion for her neighbour or suggested that the homeless deserve anything;(

I said the text, by virtue of mentioning the issue of mental ill health implicitly IMPLIES (as opposed to explicitly expressing) that the link between mental ill health and homelessness is relevant in this particular instance, even though the central focus of the argument is about the lack of social safety net and the injustice and cruel way poor people are treated in society.

Clearly, mental health has an impact on housing status (and there are many fold historical and social reasons for that), but so does your social background or whether or not your employer can get away with not paying you a living wage for your labour. Bringing mental health into the equation potentially diffuses the argument about social responsibility.

As to stopping the madness that, I think, is about a significant shift in thinking, and a very big part of that is reflecting on our biases.

No it doesnā€™t; thatā€™s a strange reading of the original text. The original text was all about social responsibility despite mental illness or personal capacity. It also potentially raises awareness, since mental health was mentioned so explicitly.

I just donā€™t see your critique of the OP. I think she wrote something fine, with nothing detracting from it. She didnā€™t write something biased and containing judgments, even subtle ones. If anything, it was imploring and asking more questions than it resolved.

I just went for beer supplies today, and there was a cider press sitting there, just waiting to be bought. I resisted. For now.

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Hey! Good thing you didnā€™t! I built my own cider press from a $20 bottle jack and scrap wood. Total cost, about $50 because I needed nice stout bolts, some clear pine and some fine muslin. Let me dig up a pictureā€¦ youā€™ll see what I mean.

Uhhā€¦ still diggingā€¦ please holdā€¦ OK, found it.


Iā€™m pretty sure that in a true crisis, no one will accept your gold.

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So, uh, youā€™ve never bought a house, eh?

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To catch local cats?

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Nope, and I donā€™t plan to, unless I can pay up front. Iā€™m not interested in getting tangled up with the next inevitable lending crisis the government has done nothing so far to prevent.

Good luck with that unless youā€™re in Omaha. Where I live, houses range from $400K hovels to over a million dollars.

Besides, the lending crisis is only a crisis if youā€™re an idiot. I bought my house and Iā€™m on a 15 year fixed mortgage thatā€™s under 5% interest. Iā€™ll own it in less than 10 years.


Are you sure youā€™ll be able to keep up with payments for the next 10 years? If so, congratulations. I canā€™t imagine making such a long term commitment myself. I can barely make sure I get my prescriptions refilled on time, and I have no confidence that I can stay consistently employed 10 years in a row, so I donā€™t think itā€™s wise for me to agree to pay lots of money now in order to own something later that I probably donā€™t need and wouldnā€™t be able to maintain anyway.

And squirrels & the occasional rat

My wife and I are both mid-career engineers in silicon valley. I manage a six person engineering org, among other duties. Iā€™m generally not worried about having a job. Before this, I was at Microsoft for most of a decade.

My mortgage is half of what most peopleā€™s rent is in the Bay Area for a house and about the same as an apartment. In fact, two bedroom apartments within a mile of me regularly rent for more than my mortgage. So, yeah, I think I can pay it. If I canā€™t pay it, Iā€™m not going to be able to pay for an apartment either.

As to ā€œneed,ā€ well, in the Bay Area, housing appreciates value. My house is worth about 40% more than I paid for it now. If I couldnā€™t pay my mortgage, Iā€™d could sell it. These days, houses in my area sell in less than two weeks. I doubt real estate in the Bay Area, like New York City or a number of other cities, is going to go down dramatically in value. That happened a decade ago and then it recovered.

There you go. You make decisions based on your current situation and career. And it works out for you.

In my case, Iā€™d rather not risk the debt because Iā€™m a 20 something millenial who just doesnā€™t have the kind of stability and employer loyalty that was part of the standard package my parentsā€™ generation were given.


Iā€™d be wary of turning into a 40-something millenial wondering why heā€™s paying $3K a month for an apartment in someone elseā€™s building eventually. Thatā€™s just me but then I have a very stable job history and am not a millenial so I donā€™t feel a need to change jobs every 18 months (not that you do but I actually talk to a lot of them in tech and they seem to think there is a pot of gold out there somewhere).

Really, do you think that I, as a generation Xā€™er, have any belief in employer loyalty? Ha ha ha. I make my own career. I just donā€™t seek change for its own sake. Of course, if I did, I might be making 30 or 40% more somewhere.


Houses there are crazy expensive and you get so very little. We specifically moved to an area that we could enjoy an upgrade, though, of course the jobs are not as good here as where you are. Tradeoffs everywhere.

More to the other point, for @LDoBe: how to buy a house. Save, save save! But donā€™t save thinking that you could pay cash for a house! Thereā€™s negotiation and escrow all kinds of stuff that needs to happen that will subvert your plan to just walk up hand them a wad and they hand you the door keys.

Just accept that youā€™ll have a mortgage. But if you did your homework, you saved a sizeable chunk for your down payment. By sizeable I mean well north of 20% of your houseā€™s price. That way you have minimized the amount of loan exposure you are facing.

But donā€™t spend ALL of your savings! When you move into a house, youā€™re going to want to have some furnishings and pay for a few basic things that you overlooked in your negotiations to have stuff repaired and ship-shape before you moved in. So reserve about 5 thousand, so that you donā€™t hit rock bottom while you are waiting for the house deal to close. Stuff always comes up.

If you follow this basic protocol, itā€™s not that stressful, and you get what you want: a house that you can develop equity in, and therefore reap the rewards of ownership someday and not have to throw rent money down a pit and never see it again. With a house, you might see that money again someday, so that you can upgrade to a better one.

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