Wendy's will start using AI chatbots for drive-throughs

… I heard 80% of all statistics are made up


Overall, we rate the New York Daily News Left-Center biased based on left-leaning editorial positions and High for factual reporting due to a reasonable fact check record.

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I couldn’t get their link to work either, but the NY Daily News is a generally considered to be a very reputable newspaper.

The NY Post, on the other hand…

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I didn’t say anything about their political leaning. That’s irrelevant to how factual their reporting is.

Maybe, but that article is garbage. Unsourced and clearly the data they are referring to is so badly misinterpreted as to come to a very wrong conclusion.

You being 80% more likely to have an accident because of eating is a completely different thing than “80% of all accidents are caused by eating”.

On the very surface that’s a patently ridiculous claim. It fails on basic plausibility alone.

and High for factual reporting due to a reasonable fact check record

Smashing a toaster to bits is called toastercide.
According to TalkieToasterTM, anyway.


The future is Macswineys, at least until a stainless steel rat takes up residence in one…

Interactive Voice Responders (IVRs) have been around for a long, long time in the call center world for calling menu trees; this is a extension of that. The McDonalds near my office has a “Hi, we’ll be right with you” blurb when you get to the speaker on either lane. and the Panda Express near my house has something similar, but it actually wants to start the order process, which means I get to repeat my order half the time.

It’ll be interesting to see if it works, or how long it takes for it to get quietly put out to pasture…

Or worse, have multiple custom items, or have a giant-ass laundry list of items. in the drive-thru. From the worker’s POV, park your car, come inside and place that giant-ass order, because the drive through line will ask you to park so they can serve the 5 people behind you that just want a medium cheeseburger combo with a diet coke and GTFO- I know the corporate owned store I worked at was graded on how fast they can churn that line, with a goal time of 90 seconds or less during the rush times.

I’ve easily out-run the self-checkout’s scale timers, because when I’m checking out, I go full efficiency sprint- if I have four cans of say, tuna, I’ll stack three cans with one hand poised over the bagging area scale and scan the fourth with the other hand. The local store actually has the delay turned almost completely off because people were complaining. I also mute the damn thing, because I’m there to check out, and not listen to bitchin’ betty about what I just scanned.

Touch screen? from a car? That’s crazy pants. Some of the busier places will park an employee out there with a tablet for mobile order taking (not payment taking) in order to keep the order pipeline full, but most places have upgraded from a mic/speaker box to digital signage which has the menuboard and will display your order in order to ensure that accuracy. With online ordering, I understand that some places will let you put in your confirmation number at the drive through for picking it up. Haven’t tried that myself, but I understand some places have that as an option.

That totally needs to be an easter egg.

No, it’s more like 43%, but there you go. :smiley:


Way back I worked as a cashier (among other positions) at a grocery store. My customer per hour wasn’t great because of the time I worked, but my time per customer was always at the top. I’d be done and asking for money before most people even started their small talk. On the occasional Saturday that I worked mid day I’d have the home makers tore up over the fact they couldn’t keep up and see the prices. I’m here to ring you up, in and out, lets go people.

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An automated fast-food chain in the Stainless Steel Rat series, with space behind the machinery to hide out for a few weeks, but the porkuswine menu gets old fast.

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“Welcome to Wendy’s. May I take your order?”

“Why does the porridge bird lay his egg in the air?”


“Your total is 2E18 cents; please pull up to the 14th window.”


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