Wha Oh! Wha Oh! That thing you hear in everyother pop song is the Millennial Whoop

Now that it’s been highlighted, I’m not looking forward to the months of handwringing about female artists allegedly annoying us all with this.

Though come to think of it, the hed immediately made me think of Katy Perry.

May I suggest taking up the Hurdy Gurdy.


Check out some old John R. or Hoss Allen recordings.

Well, that was definitely the lesser of the 2 There it Is-es. We just had to make do with the Whoomp

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When I really want to melt into the universe, it’s red wine and Tuvan throat singing. Fly, fly my sadness.


Sometimes it swings from Johnny Cash to NIN to Johnny Cash covering NIN. It’s a fun world.

No, we only need one of these

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