What about additional post reactions other than "like"?

Flag-for-moderator-attention already covers most of those cases, I think.

A million times: YES.


That’s actually why I kind of like the heart symbol. It’s even more vague than “like,” almost akin to a “I know that feel.” I’ve written in favor of having the options for both “agree” and “Well written” as separate sentiments, to allow voting to shape the tenor of discussions without forcing it to also inadvertently constrict or steer ideas through popularity (and vice-versa, allow you to agree with a point without necessarily supporting the tenor of the comment). However, “agree” does define the purpose of discussion somewhat as a collective debate, rather than, as you’re pointing out, an opportunity for collective experience and empathy. Maybe two non-mutually exclusive buttons that that expressed “I feel you on that” and “Well said” would approximate the needed dimensions.

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Just use words.

It should be a “like” button, you could leave the heart.


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