Dislikes About The Likes Button

Can we move it, plzthx? It’s confusing me, and would make more sense being nearer the ‘like’ heart, rather than masquerading as the reply button.




I imagine I can adjust to the new location of the Likes tally, but it is now less simple to quickly figure out if you have already liked something or not. It used to clearly state that you did, if you did. Now, you have to check the color of the heart, which could be easy enough, except, if your cursor is not in the post area, the heart appears as a pink so pale that it is almost the grey color of an unliked post. Could stand to be a little clearer.


I like these replies, but am not clicking like on principle. @beschizza, @codinghorror, who was in charge of button-moving? Why were they in charge of button-moving? Am I now on The List?


Hmm…I am enjoying having the “likes” on the left-hand side of the screen now, because that helps me to associate them with the posted comment rather than with any replies to that comment. (Prior to this it was too easy to think that the “likes” went with the last reply, especially when there were a lot of replies and the comment being replied to had scrolled off the top of the screen.)

It might be nice to also have the “likes” stay in place with the comment when any replies are opened, i.e., have any replies open below the “likes”.

The discussion about the change is here


The reason I support moving like expansion up next to reply expansion is because

  • having a bunch of extra “x people liked this” lines under each post ate up a lot of vertical space. Really brutal on a string of short, 1 sentence posts that have likes, which we get a lot. It’s a very common pattern.

  • it is a conceptual fit, the bottom left side of a post is “reactions to this post I can expand for detail (likes, replies)” whereas the bottom right side of a post is “actions I can take on this post”

  • posts no longer slide down dynamically as the first like comes in, and pushes the content down one line to display the extra line for the first like. This also happened if you liked a first post, you were pushing lower content down a tiny bit every time.

One thing I did just change is that likes are now always on the left since they are more important and more common than replies – the like count is almost always higher than the reply count for a post. This makes it a consistent place to scan.

Before it was

3 Replies, 12 Likes

Now it is

12 Likes, 3 Replies


I’m kind of amibivalent so far. I like it for the reasons you stated (whitespace, reactions on left vs actions on right) but it introduces a couple problems of its own.

First, as mentioned above, it is now more difficult to spot whether I have already liked a post or not. Second, I’m not thrilled by the shifting nature of the like and reply dropdowns. Whereas before we had

3 replies                                        12 likes


3 replies                                                



we now have

12 likes, 3 replies


3 replies



It puts two different bits of information in the same place around different posts, depending on what information is present. If a post has replies but no likes could it instead look something like this?

          3 replies
1 Like

Maybe, but fact is, replying to someone’s post is an implicit acknowledgement of their post and in its own way a de-facto low intensity like.

Not a full on throbbing :two_hearts: like, exactly – but remember that “don’t feed the trolls” advice? It’s important :wink:

It’s also true that stimulating discussion is one of the goals, so a reply that earns no likes, but gets 5 replies – is doing something important for the conversation, whether it is officially “liked” or not.

(whether it should be, well, that gets back to the old “just flag it” rule)

replying to someone’s post is an implicit acknowledgement of their post and in its own way a de-facto low intensity like.

I refuse to acknowledge that you even wrote that, @funruly. I certainly don’t like it.

Really brutal on a string of short, 1 sentence posts that have likes, which we get a lot. It’s a very common pattern.

PEBKAC error.

This seems exactly reversed to me – it’s when something is less common, and more informative, that it ought to be highlighted. I appreciate likes, but they’re kind of a curiosity. In the previous version, it was easy to follow conversations in no small part because the presence of replies stood out.

Now replies are camouflaged behind likes that look just like them and on a good thread will be on nearly every post. For all intents and purposes, any interactions have become invisible to me. It’s not just less pleasant, it’s effectively broken. I’ve complained about sudden changes in design here before, but this is the first one where I’ve tried this long and still can’t really even use the new system.

If my input counts for anything at all, please give some alternative to this.


I am not advocating features, just thinking out loud.

The format is: Poster(likes)

So given

A(10) <- B(2)

We may be able to conclude A made a good list. The following example will omit A on subsequent lines for brevity, but assume they are replies to A.

The interesting angle is this one (bear with me)

A(2) <- B(5)
<- C(3)
<- D(1)
<- E(10)

It is a classic dogpile where A said something a minority supported, but a majority of a majority implicitly condemned.

In this model the number of replies is given less weight, but the quality of replies is weighted higher. Kind of like a simple version of pagerank >:)

Well, that’s just some twisted Bizarro-world opposite-talk insanity right there.


Then how about this? If that’s the mental model you feel applies then embrace it; combine the like and reply count and the single dropdown will show both the likes on top followed by the replies.

Edit: Also, none of this addresses the “My own likes are now less visible to me” problem.

1 Like

[citation needed]


Fair. Replies and likes are equally important.

We want to encourage likes a bit more though since a like is much better than a no-content “me too” or “atta boy” reply. A like is fast and easy, and a like lets people know they were heard without cluttering the conversation. Akin to nodding along as people talk when you hear something interesting or well said. And as easy!

FWIW, that’s how I use it a lot of the time. One does not always have to respond…but it is important to let someone know they’ve been heard.



What she said.


I’m going to assume that we’re still on friendly terms, though :slight_smile:

1 Like

That’s a laudable goal.

How many “me too” or “atta boy” replies do we see, here? That is – how big of an issue, was it? Has there been a noticeable decline since the change?

1 Like