What are 'Safe Spaces'?

Everyone’s experience is different, but those I deal with lamenting safe spaces, this ain’t it. It’s hostility, active and open contempt for people who don’t conform.


Seems like most private meeting spaces would fall under that definition from church to group therapy. I have a hard time believing that is what the right-wing is upset about.

My understanding of the right-wing’s ridicule concerns the safe space mentality encroaching public areas and classrooms along with a sense of hypersensitivity of students that combine to create de facto generic public safe spaces which require effectively infantilizing people in order to make sure no one’s feelings are ever hurt unintentionally.

I have no idea if this is the case or not at campuses though. It seems hyperbolic.

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It has become more socially acceptable for men to wear bright pink. I have a couple of pink button-down shirts, even though 20 years ago such a thing would be anathema.


And yet my stepdad, mr machismo alpha male everyone must be at my level, has zero hangups over wearing pink.

He has little to no outward empathy, but does not lerate cruelty to animals, and even if he is going on about how horrible you are (in a sortof backhanded ‘I am totally not saying it but you know what I mean’ way) he’ll help you out of a jam, fix your house, and give you a hot meal.

Just expect zero sympathy from him and ridicule if you want anything resembling comfort.


Oh believe me, I feel that way about a LOT of things the right-wing gets upset about. :wink:

But seriously: just imagine the concept of a “safe space” interpreted to mean that a Christian child at a public elementary school was asked to refrain from telling a classmate with two mommies that God says marriage is between one man and one woman, or that a public university couldn’t invite a speaker who says that all Muslims are terrorists, and you start to get the idea.


That sucks, and sounds all too familiar. Avoiding having that erode your self-value as a human is hard. Good on you for recognizing it’s his behavior that is an issue.


He’s someone actively refusing to help me find work, says social security should be axed in favor of parents being taken care of by their children, and yet says I deserve disability.

Me: if you saw me on the street you wouldn’t know a thing was wrong with me and if I wasn’t your son you’d bitch endlessly.

Him: that’s why you pull out a Id card that shows you as disabled.

Me: and you really believe the you that doesn’t know me wouldn’t bitch harder that I somehow conned the system into getting a free ride? Get the fuck out of here.


That sounds like a whole lotta cognitive dissonances he’s had a lifetime to cobble together; it’s not your responsibility to unwind that ball of confusion.


I can get where he’s coming from in a sort of ‘how the world should work’ way… But the world isn’t like that. Even with kids that want to help not everyone has family that CAN help.

Mind you I’m someone who’s never had a proper job vs the family breadwinner who has often worked muktipul jobs… I’m seen as too naive to have an opinion.


In my experience here on BB, a safe space is anywhere you declare it to be. You can bring up your trigger topic, have your say, and get anyone else’s opinion deleted by flagging it.

I’d like to think so. Most people here are pretty good about respecting boundaries and the posting guidelines. And if something’s getting too far off-topic or a polite reminder doesn’t work, flagging is an option.


Doesn’t always work like that. You get topics and people that are obviously favored over others, which is disheartening.

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Perhaps. I mean, there’s people posting here who’ve had multiple consecutive time-outs and still not learned to play nice, so IME the mods do tend to be a bit more lenient than I would.

Dunno if that’s a bad thing or a good one. :slight_smile:

ETA: But I may be getting a bit OT here?


They would not dare.

Could argue the point but as OP I was more referencing meat space safety.


Your thread. Wanted to make sure I wasn’t derailing it. :slight_smile:


You’re awesome.



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