What are the solid reasons against mandatory insurance?

Okay then. Why aren’t you out lobbying for universal healthcare? At least that way when somebody’s shot their medical bills will be paid, even if they can’t afford it.

It’s not like gunshot victim has an income cutoff below which you just can’t get shot.


I can get in on that :slightly_smiling:

I just don’t think it’s as inefficient as you propose. In fact if you measure efficiency by human-hours I think it is more efficient. I have no studies to back this assertion up.

I agree in principle that a Commons is better than sole private ownership, but the tragedy of the commons is very real. Us human meat bags are not egalitarian, fair, or kind. So harsh, draconian rules are needed so the psychopaths don’t ruin it for the rest of us. *

* See the Cowphilate, Yeee-hadists, and Y’all-qaeda

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A slightly different frame … the reason insurance premiums should not be mandatory is that we’re already obligated to pay mandatory premiums. They’re called taxes. And taxes are much better than premiums because we also get to vote on how to spend taxes.

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I don’t disagree in principle. When are we gonna get that omnipotent, benevolent dictator Socrates went on and on about? :smile:

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Does that mean you’re available? :smiley_cat: Let me know when you’re ready to start hiring your benevolent omniscience transition team because I’d really like a chance to interview. I’m a fast learner, and … I plan to take some computer classes this year.


I may be benevolent, but I have the foresight and omniscience of a goldfish. :imp:


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