What creepy stuff will your ISP do once the FCC allows them to spy on your internet usage?

“People can use a VPN” has been one of the standard talking points that the telco lobbyists have used in trying to justify this betrayal of privacy they’re hoping to get from Congress. This is of course a red herring: only a small fraction of humans have VPN accounts and know how to use them. And even if you know how to use one, it isn’t always practical to use them.

For random ironic example, I tried to log in to post this reply via a VPN, but Disqus / bbs.boingboing.net told me “you can’t log in as (username) from that IP address”.

Users will be much better off if these privacy protections are universal and automatic. So please call your Senator this week and we can keep ISPs from spying on and messing with our traffic!