I think we share a common taste in games. My favorites are post-apocalyptic, zombie, mech (done right), deep story/atmospheric, and innovative Indy games. I also have a fondness for J-RPG and turn based strategy, most of which is satisfied by playing on my iPhone/iPad.
I bought a gaming PC about two years ago, and it’s served me well - it’s not top-spec (it’s actually an XPS-13 Dell laptop) but for most things it’s been fine. Certainly for rummaging through Steam’s discount offerings and occasionally going for a AAA title. Favorites over the last couple of years;
Portal I&II
Bioshock I,II&III
Fallout III&NV
Half Life II series
Borderlands I&II
Left 4 Dead
Because of family and work obligations, of late I’ve been playing short attention-span games that I can play for 20 minutes to scratch an itch, then get back to life. For that, shooters fulfill a need;
Team Fortress 2
The Culling
I really suck at The Culling though - I almost never win hand-to-hand, which is frustrating. I’m tempted to try Rust, though I fear it is too involved for my preferred style of gameplay. I’m really anti-crafting.
I also bought a Steam Controller specifically to pay some more console-style games like Bastion, though I haven’t been using it as much as I thought. I did enjoy using it with Jet Set Radio which was released for free on Steam recently.
I would also say that picking up a PS3 and some used games could be a very affordable way to get back in to console gaming. There were a ton of great games that could be had for next to nothing these days. Heck, I even have a few lying around that I’d give you for free. Id have to revisit that library to recommend any of them in particular though.
My handle is Quickdraw Og, whenever I’m gaming. Anyone from BB is free to friend me -I’d actually love to have more folks I could game with.