What if new members couldn't immediately reply on BBS?

I have corrected my mistake.

Both 1 and 2 seem heavy handed. 2 is more preferable than 1, though it will make discussions a bit awkward as upstream comments will suddenly appear once it’s approved.

What about setting up a comment spam classifier? The community can train it (via flagging) what it deems spammy, and once trained should reduce a lot of the tedious work for mods.

I rather like everything happening out in the open.

I like it when the author or maker that is the subject of a story shows up to clarify something or just to say “thanks for posting.”

I also like it when single-issue people (including lobbyists) blow-in to spout their position. Even if they devolve into dominating a thread, I’d rather they be shown the door than some secret cadre of bouncers not even letting them in.

What’s the usage stats on the flagging system? My guess is that most commentators here would prefer to engage and rebut idiocy over flagging.


BoingBoing may be a private corporation, but it operates via the public internet only so far as your reading it is concerned. It is privately hosted and privately paid for via private dollars. Which in no way entitles your speech to be hosted on their servers.

As I understand it, the point of Discourse – which isn’t even BoingBoing – is to nurture speech. To discourage the non-fire related shouting of “FIRE” and to discourage “FR1ST!!!1!!” posts and the like.

There is always a certain kind of person to whom fence on top of a cliff is always an affront. By all means – please do try to scale the fence. The fence was not placed for you. The cliff is most assuredly an insipid cultural marxist lie. Perhaps there is cake!


The spam isn’t really what this is about; it’s about trollies and astroturfers and science deniers and other people like that. Much more subtle.

We don’t really have a big spam problem, there’s maybe 1 per day.


Then we’d have considerably less new users.

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I think they are both bad ideas.

  1. I get it, you want to limit the number of people who come in for one hot topic from some other site. The thing is, we all started here with a first post. I think having to wait any amount of time, at which point your post would probably be moot as most people don’t follow a thread for more than a day two, is an incredible turn off and will result in a lack of new posters.

There are also those who pop in from a link from another site that is a positive contributor, or in some cases, is from a person directly involved in the post.

If you want to remove the number of people who jump in just to piss on controversial topics, have the eds show some moderation in created less click-baity posts full of inflammatory or excitable language.

  1. Sounds like a huge pain in the ass for the mods. Mods cost time and money. Is there really that big of an issue that this is warranted? Again, see my suggestion above for lowering the number of posts like that. Garbage in, garbage out, and all that.

First of all, thank you for your reasonable response. If all/many responses to dissenting opinions were like yours I would not have an issue.

I agree with this statement as a general principle. But Happy Mutants LLC, the corporation that operates BoingBoing.net, has the option to disconnect its servers from the public internet whenever it wishes. Up until this moment they don’t seem to be interested in exercising this option.

Sidebar, do you agree or disagree that it is the right of a corporate personhood to control its property?

I digress, back on point, trolley. It is the use ‘moderation’ to grant a hegemony to select points of view that goads me to challenge their ability to suppress the dissenting opinions of myself and others.

I’m not talking about the prerogative of the moderators to remove crufty “FrostPiss” posts. My complaint concerns the suppression of ideas that do not align with the opinions of the moderators and of other posters.

Fences have two sides, my friend. They can be used to keep people out as well as keep people in. Please consider the possibility that perhaps it is you that is in danger of falling.

I want everyone to be heard, cultural marxists tend to not.

Replies in comments tend to be deleted because they are seriously fucking horrible, or personal attacks, not dissenting opinions. A dissenting opinion may get argued with, which is clearly the reason it was posted, because internet, but that’s not being bullied by ‘cultural Marxists’, whatever the fuck they are. There are many, many posters on here who have, and will continue to vehemently disagree on tendentious issues. Message boards are for exactly that, so I fail to see why you’re so het up about this particular one. But, as you’re clearly just trolling for shits & giggles because folks hurt your fee-fees, and you like to wind people up, then go right ahead; have fun, now.
I suppose, as your guerilla campaign for Internet Liberty means that there is a need for mods, you can look upon yourself as a Job Creator.

I shall now imagine you congratulating yourself for creating such opportunities so magnanimously for your Sworn Enemies That They May Eat wrapped in a cloak made of printouts of all the avatars of those Filthy Internet Marxists you have destroyed online with your Righteous Words of Truth while ‘In A Gadda Da Vida’ plays in the background.


TrollsOpinion, while suitably lulzy, has an element of truth to it, like all good trolling ought to have – the observation that BoingBoing is rapidly becoming a festering manure-bed of progressivism and conformism. You only have to look at BoingBoing’s backslide into breathless articles about gun violence, making fun of libertarians, gossip articles worthy of tabloids, divisive articles about Twitter spats from nasty, callous people – ridiculous, worthless junk.

Have your tightly controlled echo chamber; it’s your First Amendment prerogative. Don’t, however, be surprised if it is trolled to kingdom come and back.

If this existed, I would own it. should we make a kickstarter?


I think it might be anyone who doesn’t totally agree with him on all the things…

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Cultural Marxism is a thing. I’m not quite sure, but I think @TrollsOpinion may mean it this way.

I could be wrong, and I stand ready to be corrected on the matter.

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I’m intrigued by this Cultural Marxist thing, but apparently I’ve already been designated as Tragically Hip.

How to switch affiliation?


Hip replacement?


I think that’s exactly what he means… really it’s just an analytical tool used by some scholars.

I think you just need to trade in your Tragically Hip card, spend some time on the front lines of the culture wars, promoting Islamo-socialists-atheistic-stalinism-maoism-leninism to a bunch of unsuspecting, incredibly impressionable college students, and you’re good to go for your cultural marxism card.

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What, ‘people who think about stuff, and why it happens’? Well, okay. Do I need to have a beard?

god, that sounds so tiring. Can’t I substitute that for some of my usual milk-toast armchair faux-feminism?

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I had to throw the magnetic poetry away years ago, as stoned peoiple would leave weird and terrifying things on the fridge during parties, and my daughter would ask what they meant the next day after babysitter handover…

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