What is the mysterious creature banging on this family's door every night? (video)

There’s no controversy, it’s the Mothman.

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We are so distant from nature these days we confuse a bug begging to be a part of our gun rights with vermin playing upon our fears of ingesting an average 47 species of the Order Insecta into our alveoli per minute. Dude just wants to be petted and/or offered a decent job with benefits.

No mystery. It’s them dang meddling kids and their dog teasing the not-so-bright family down the street with the skeletons and mass deliveries of HSN tripe and Omaha Steaks branded hot dogs.

I was surprised to find that we got these up in northern Michigan. They would glide and land against the storm doors of my parents cabin which were heavy wood that rattled. My mom was terrified until she managed to catch one in the act while she was returning from the outhouse one night.

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They are adorable, unless you have them nesting in the walls. It’s pretty amazing to see the control they have when gliding. My cottage is in northern Ontario, right across Lake Huron from northern Michigan, so it makes sense you’d get them there.

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I grew up in that area. Flying squirrels were fun at night because they could scare the hell out of unsuspecting people :joy:

But yes, a huge pain if they got into an attic or walls.


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