Whatcha Reading? (Picking it up again)

I really love the audio versions of the Murderbot diaries.


Murderbot is great


Makes me think that a women’s strike needs to happen here…

I’ve just finished the newest one, which is really the second half of the last one IMO. It’s not as good as the others, but it’s still Murderbot, and everyone should love Murderbot.


Wait! There’s one I haven’t read? To the library bat vehicle!


Just came out last week, aye.


Dammit. 15 reservations per copy. Also the library is closed and when it opens tomorrow I should be at work but they are just details really.

You say the audiobooks are good? Maybe I might finally get into them. Who reads?

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Shame Reaction GIF by Originals


Kevin R. Free is the narrator for Murderbot Diaries. https://www.kevinrfree.com/
There are also dramatized adaptations I intend to borrow from my library (really the Austin one) sometime

You should see if a major city near you offers electronic library cards. The city of Austin does for like $30 a year. When I moved out of city limits, I got that. They have a good electronic selection. Totally worth it

Edit to add: have a short story to tide you over, if you haven’t read it yet

And an excerpt from the first one for anyone who is just curious

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These are very well read-it would have been interesting to have a voice that reads a bit less male to me, since murderbot is so determinedly non-sexual.

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I would generally love to see some more enby narrators. But I suspect part of the problem is with my perception of what a masculine or feminine or enby voice is. Will Wheaton in Kaiju Preservation Society made Jaime more masculine to me, despite the fact I like how Will Wheaton does feminine voices. I had no issue seeing the female characters he voices in the Last Emperox as women. That made me think pretty hard about my own ideas and preconceptions
I don’t have the same problem with Murderbot as read by Kevin R. Free. Possibly because Murderbot is so very against being gendered it insists on using it pronouns.
Though that did take me a bit. I kept hearing a line from Seanan McGuire every time someone referred to Murderbot as “it.”
“‘It’ is person-neutral. ‘They’ is gender-neutral.”

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Martha Wells was handing out a ribbon at a con that read “murderbot wont love you, it only wants to watch its stories”


I just finished reading The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brian.

After that I started reading Beyond the Wall: A History of East Germany by Katja Hoyer. Pretty good so far.


I’m partway through Doppelganger by Naomi Klein. It’s a very good read. I’m surprised that it hasn’t been reviewed yet on BB or BBS.


I meant who was reading the audiobooks!

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Thanks for the rec. I still haven’t gotten around to it.

I hear she had fun writing it, so probably a good one to listen to!


This book is sitting on my desk unread. I normally find the (whatever sponsor it is this year) prize for women’s fiction is my preferred litfix award but I’m looking forward to this.

From what I read when it came out it’s more Handmaids Tale than recent events.

And I still owe this thread a long post!


< Oh, buuuuuurn! gif >


How embarrassing. I haven’t stepped foot in a library in years. I took advantage and picked up two comic albums.