When kids bring guns to school their districts ban backpacks

Life imitating art?


An ever increasing loss of freedoms just to keep Jim Bob and Cletus happy because they like to moan, groan and issue death threats because they have go out in public with a glock because they would be constantly pissing their pants in fear of brown people otherwise.


Thank you.

well then might as well start sometime. not all solutions have to be short term.

in my view, banning guns would be a clear signal that we reject the violence implicit in an armed society. and it would have an influence deeper than even just the ( eventual ) lack of guns themselves

agreeing to ban guns and gun production is a signal to ourselves that we’re finally ready to change

or, i guess we could ban backpacks and issue body armor to every kid at birth. whichever


But in the US of A, our prisons are great (meaning large or immense. I mean it in the pejorative sense)!
They are one of our largest industries and a great way to keep slavery alive and well.

So i guess they will be just open carry now?

I’ll see your briefcase gun, and raise you a radio rifle.

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My high school sent staff into the parking lot to examine the interior of the cars students parked there. If a cigarette butt or crumpled up pack was forgotten by mom or dad the evening before and was visible, the student got detention. If so much as a butter knife was seen, the student got a suspension.

For reference, I graduated in '90. At least we could carry backpacks. :pensive:


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