Where do you get your news [for current events]? 2024 edition

It’s a sign of the times that I am having a hard time deciding whether to create this thread in “general” or the “wrath” topic. Well, here we go.

What comprises your news diet?
Where do you source your intake for current events… the fast-breaking stories, and/or daily roundups?

Mine, recycling my post from another thread, with apologies for length:

Reading: the Austin Chronicle, the Austin American Statesman, the Hays Free Press, the Dallas Morning News, The Guardian, Le Monde in English, and the LA Times online. I gave up on the NY Times; instead, I read The Onion. Not a joke. Sometimes: Mother Jones, The Nation, The New Yorker, The Intercept, and ProPublica depending on what they’ve been covering.

Listening: Deutsche Welle, NPR (when driving), Texas Standard and/or whatever KUT has on unless I am in the car that has the HD radio so I can listen to the BBC, Pod Save America, and for this election year: Meidas Touch stuff for the legal breakdowns of TFG lawsuits by actual lawyers, as long as I get to skip over Michael Cohen’s voice because it puts me off.

Watching: Beau’s two Youtube channels irregularly; John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight and SNL’s Weekend Update weekly. I used to watch Trevor Noah when he was on The Daily Show and miss him hugely. I watch Robert Reich’s various videos on Youtube variously… his UCB lectures are pretty interesting and the man brings receipts. I maybe watch Rachel Maddow once on her Youtube channel every few months.

Thanks in advance.

Here’s a previous thread from 2013 asking the same, a year that feels like a lifetime ago and very pre-pandemic, pre-:tangerine: :clown_face: , and pre-U.S.'s failed coup…


I usually look over the Guardian, which of course is problematic. I usually go over the google news feed at least once a day and read any stories there that interest me. I’ve been checking Al-Jazeera regularly too since the war started in Gaza (less frequently before).

I also watch clips on youtube, such as from the PBS Newshour and the CBS Sunday show, as well as the occassional commentary clip from CNN or MSNBC. Also analysis from Beau and other other Youtubers.

Oh, and for newsletters, I get HCR, Erin in the Morning, Timothy Snyder, a couple of others that are related to other topics (sci-fi and culture analysis),


For international breaking news stuff, The Guardian (yes, I know) and Al-Jazeera.

For US political news, mostly Wonkette, skim Daily Koz, read HCR here at the BB. and Meyers and Colbert’s monologues from the night before on YT. Daily Show, Last Week Tonight and The Onion.

Pussycat bought me a subscription to Mother Jones, just got my first issue (American Aristocracy)

ETA - Can’t stand HuffPost, RawStory, etc clickbaity sites.

Wonkette is what gets me through the endless barrage of horror. I would be hopelessly depressed if not for their righteous, profane, hilarious “fuck these motherfuckers” style


I am so behind on Heather Cox Richardson’s newsletter-reading, which I am subscribed to but they pile up and I think I need a more audio-only format so I can keep working with my hands. [big sigh]

I drop in on PBS if there’s something specific I am trying to find out and want more depth.

I confess that sometimes, inch-deep and mile-wide is the only way I can manage a first-approximation.

Someone in another thread mentioned https://whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.com/ and it’s ok but not enough uh… width… for me.


News: BBC news online as a main source, with Channel 4news , Reuters and Deutsche Welle to fill the inevitable holes that gives me.

Avoid - most UK newspapers and their websites. The FT is useful for some things but it’s paywall is annoyingly effective. The Guardian used to be decent, but the quality of both news and options that it carries have been on the slide (and the latter was never great).

Analysis: Private Eye, Jacobin, various trusted youtube and individual websites.

Scotland specific: The Ferret, Bella Caledonia.

Gaps- I need a good source of science news, since New Scientist took a drop in quality and was bought out by the Daily Mail (the worst of the worst).


TBH, mostly right here.
I keep up with the HCR thread, which is terrific.

For my sanity, I balance a T**** thread with a Unicorn on a one-to-one ratio. (That’s good advice, kids).

Outside of here, (AKA IRL), Private Eye, The Big Issue, and occasionally The Independent (not as good as it used to be, but worth a visit).

And, each day, I have to get my dad’s Daily Bastard Mail.
I get the vendor to wrap it inside a copy of Reader’s Wives to save my embarrassment.

        <outline text="News">
            <outline text="EFF: Deep Links" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://www.eff.org/rss/updates.xml" xmlUrl="https://www.eff.org/rss/updates.xml"/>
            <outline text="EXPOSEDbyCMD" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://www.exposedbycmd.org/" xmlUrl="https://www.exposedbycmd.org/feed/"/>
            <outline text="Krebs on Security" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://krebsonsecurity.com" xmlUrl="https://krebsonsecurity.com/feed/"/>
            <outline text="NASA Breaking News" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://www.nasa.gov" xmlUrl="https://www.nasa.gov/rss/dyn/breaking_news.rss"/>
            <outline text="Mother Jones" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://www.motherjones.com" xmlUrl="https://www.motherjones.com/feed/"/>
            <outline text="National Observer: News" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://www.nationalobserver.com/" xmlUrl="https://www.nationalobserver.com/taxonomy/term/1/rss"/>
            <outline text="Ricochet" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://ricochet.media/en/feed" xmlUrl="https://ricochet.media/en/feed"/>
            <outline text="Slashdot" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://hardware.slashdot.org/" xmlUrl="http://rss.slashdot.org/slashdot/eqWf"/>
            <outline text="The Beaverton" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://www.thebeaverton.com" xmlUrl="https://www.thebeaverton.com/feed/"/>
            <outline text="Truthout" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://truthout.org" xmlUrl="https://truthout.org/latest/feed/"/>
        <outline text="Other">
            <outline text="Comics at GiantITP.com" type="rss" htmlUrl="http://www.giantitp.com/Comics.html" xmlUrl="http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots.rss"/>
            <outline text="Existential Comics" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://existentialcomics.com" xmlUrl="https://www.existentialcomics.com/rss.xml"/>
            <outline text="Girl Genius" type="rss" htmlUrl="http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/" xmlUrl="http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/ggmain.rss"/>
            <outline text="Moonbeard" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://moonbeard.com" xmlUrl="https://moonbeard.com/feed/"/>
            <outline text="Oglaf! -- Comics. Often dirty." type="rss" htmlUrl="https://www.oglaf.com/latest/" xmlUrl="https://www.oglaf.com/feeds/rss/"/>
            <outline text="Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://www.smbc-comics.com/" xmlUrl="https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/rss"/>
            <outline text="Schlock Mercenary" type="rss" htmlUrl="http://www.schlockmercenary.com/" xmlUrl="https://www.schlockmercenary.com/rss/"/>
            <outline text="Sluggy Freelance RSS Feed" type="rss" htmlUrl="http://www.sluggy.com" xmlUrl="http://feeds.feedburner.com/sluggy_freelance"/>
            <outline text="The Nib" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://thenib.com" xmlUrl="https://thenib.com/feed/"/>
            <outline text="xkcd.com" type="rss" htmlUrl="https://xkcd.com/" xmlUrl="https://xkcd.com/atom.xml"/>

Plus specialized categories, Google News searches, etc.


Shitting Fuck!
Saw your post and thought I’d been hacked!

Seriously though, some good links there.
And many I’d forgotten about for years.
Going to go for a trip down memory lane when I get the chance, thanks to you.


I read

  • The Guardian (primarily the Oz edition, because that’s where I am, but the International edition is a good general source as well.)
  • The New Daily, which is Australian, and is largely funded by Industry Superannuation funds… which means Union backed, so it’s heavy on (leftist) economics, leftist politics, leftist and progressive opinion writers (who are often professional, academic, and/or journalistic economists).
  • The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) news. The tories have been trying to gut its funding and fill its management with conservative hacks in an obvious effort to starve it at the root and sell its parts to Murdoch (and maybe some scraps to Fairfax, but the Australian tories have a pathological and mutually parasitic relationship with NewsCorp media), and while they have made it more paranoid, and less able to take and stand by risky reporting, they haven’t completely succeeded yet.
  • Here.

My avoid list is probably longer than what I check on regular basis. :weary:

International: Democracy Now, The Guardian, BBC, France 24, DW, Milenio, Noticias Telemundo, Slate.fr, and Euronews (Le notizie del giorno).

US: Philadelphia Inquirer, NJ.com, NPR, ProPublica, Politico, as well as various articles in WaPo, LA Times, and county papers around the MidAtlantic region from PA down to VA.

Misc: BB (HCR daily), Beau, AP, the PBS News Hour, CBS Sunday Morning, Robert Reich, and John Oliver (I also miss TDS but have no desire to watch Jon Stewart so I watch Colbert and Meyers via YouTube), TheGrio, The Root, The Mary Sue, Jezebel, and search engine news results.



Our media/news habits are similar. Though I hit the Texas Tribune regularly for Texas politics. I also end up at Pro Publica at least twice a month. Also Wonkette. I like all the snark and the cussing. Like @1000YearBan, the snark helps. And Jezebel. Often Slate for legal stuff, particularly SCOTUS. Al-jazeera for breaking international stuff.

Re: the stickers on cars. We have some cats, that is it. Nothing in the yard either. We live in a fairly liberal area of a fairly liberal area (Pflugerville in the Austin metroplex). But I still worry sometimes.


For US and world news, I read CNN, Huffpost, BBC and the Daily Beast as my mains and often look at Wonkette and Salon for a more progressive perspective on things. I sometimes read Vox for more detailed explanations of things.

I used to read a lot more sites before everything went paywalled. I rather liked Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair and Slate when I could read more than two or three articles per month.

For local (Japanese) news, I use a news aggregator called Smartnews (which mostly pulls articles from local and national newspapers nationwide) and watch the news on TV.


You get your news from The Beaverton!

Laugh Laughing GIF


@j9c I subscribed to Heather Cox Richardson’s daily reading of her newsletter. Is that something you can do?


Wow, I had no idea the thing existed.




I get mine mostly from a mix of whatever. I do have a NYT subscription, which I got on the cheap from being in law school. Same goes for Wapo. I don’t read either regularly for obvious reasons. I get a lot of news from links in various subreddits. That ends up being from all kinds of different sources, but if it’s the NY Post, FoxNews, or any of the other usual suspects, I don’t even click on it. My uncle who lives in Spring did just recently add me to his digital subscription to the Houston Chronicle, so I will be checking that out for awhile and see how that is. I watch MSNBC occasionally, and even less occasionally will turn on CNN to see what they’re saying. Usually I regret that decision. Here, of course, and I do subscribe to HCR.

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