Where Midian is

It’s such a great little book. I can’t wait for my daughter to be old enough to read it. She’d love it now, but my concern would be her ending up with nightmares (she’s 6).

It is; I can’t believe that one slipped my mind…

Definitely too young, just yet.

Agreed. She loves dark, scary fantasy stories, but her imagination runs wild with it at night. I was the same way as a kid. Luckily, I’ve got lots to distract her with until she’s old enough :smiley:

One of my all time favorite books. Not like Barker’s other works though. It’s so visually imaginative and it really pulls you into the story. For years there’s been plans on making a movie adaptation but it never seems to happen.

He already sold the film rights to Abarat to Disney; I hope like hell he didn’t do the same with the Thief of Always

That I didn’t know. I’d like to see what Tim Burton could do with Thief of Always.

I remember watching the movie as an Albertan kid and thinking the directions given were nonsense (North of Peace River and East of Athabasca are either nonsensical or immense, depending on how far out you zoom).

Looking at this map I realize that I spent a full summer as a treeplanter right around that area, and actually spent some time camped right in the circle. Sorry to report that there were no monsters scarier than bears and HORSEFLIES.


One of my all-time favorite books. I read it for the first time in college, and immediately fell in love with it. It’s the reason why Coraline never ended up my favorite YA book - because Thief of Always was already there. It even has a similar premise, and somehow outdoes Gaiman at what Gaiman usually does best.

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That’s usually true, anywhere.

Uh…it’s right here, obvs Watch MIDIAN FARM Online | Vimeo On Demand on Vimeo

Ah. I wonder if that’s why Coraline fell a little flat for me, as well. It would make sense considering I’d read Thief of Always twice (I think) by the time I read Coraline.

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