Which coding language should you learn first? How about...all of them?

I remember when some people in Byte wanted an IBM Selectric typeball for APL, figuring if they got X number of people it would cost a reasonable Y amount per ball.

That indicated to me that APL was a “hot” language, though I’ve later read it was “easy to code, hard to read” or something like that.

Ted Nelson’s “Computer Dream” may have mentioned APL, it mentioned some odd languages like Trac, complete with the cooyright synbol.

I thought we used to call these “programming languages”. “Coding” suggests not thinking about how to do something, just take an idea from someone else and implement it. Or maybe a markup “language” to turn text into a web page.

The term seems to be a recent wave, as if proficiency in a language is the same whether programming or speaking, especially for kids.

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