Which windowless American buildings are secret AT&T/NSA listening posts?

I think you are thinking of the NNSA in Oak Ridge, not the NSA. The NNSA builds nuclear weapons, the NSA spies on people.

NSA’s there too.

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Learned something new! Thanks!

This is known in the industry as a “pew pew” map. Its primary purpose is impressing suits.


Yeah in past years, we have tried to get clients etc. to view [server and other] logs but that whole “gray wall of text” thing is beyond useless… not comprehensible to most people.

First year we started using Wordfence security plugins, we basically just pointed every client we could educate over to that pew-pew map. It helps to mention blinky animated map was but a tiny fraction of all the crap that goes on out there on the web.

I agree it’s impressive to a particular subset of people who are just only able to understand stuff if it’s cartooned out. I was told recently by a meetings facilitator that “80% of people are visual learners” and that there’s a big difference between pictures/cartoons/graphs and a buncha paragraphs of the same info. I get it but who has time to cartoon their way toward a better explanation? I mean, besides all those YouTubers who are doing it outside of the corporate/business sphere?


Yes, I’ve seen that name go by also.

All of them.


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