White Culture

White culture is pretending everyone in America is white, so… :woman_shrugging:

Or at least pretending like their culture is the only one that matters and shapes who we are as a country. Yet so much of our best culture is pulled from people of color, who were often brought here against their will, or from people only more recently considered white.


Real talk.

Never mind all the Indigenous First Nations people living here, and the Latinx people, and the Asian people, and…


Exactly! No nation-state on earth as A culture, it’s always, always, cultures. American is no different. Whiteness as a concept developed specifically to bring together people in order to support European and American imperialist aims…





(Behold, the evil inner id of white supremacy!)


I had a colleague bemoaning the loss of Uncle Ben’s Rice and Aunt Jemima Syrup.

“Are you feeling oppressed, [redacted]?”

“Yes. Some people have too much time on their hands, and have to mess things up for the rest of us!”

“But whinging about pancake syrup is a good use of time?”

“It’s an important part of culture; of my youth!”

“[redacted], does the syrup taste any different?”


“Does the fucking syrup taste any different?!”

“Huh? Oh, I don’t eat pancakes.”

Me: eye roll

“Look: if you need your Aunt Jemima as a symbol of your youth, feel free to balance the racist scales by creating a pancake brand called ‘Whitey McWhiteface Pancakes.’ When that reaches the same sales numbers that AJ syrup did, then maybe we can bring it back.”

Apparently, I was the meanie. :roll_eyes:

Oh, and he threw in, somewhere in there, “I’m a minority!” WTF?


I love this story for so many reasons, let me count the ways…

Sweet burn. Every time I hear someone complaining about how some people have “too much time on their hands” I wonder if they look at the spectators in packed football (or any sportsball) stands and think, “those people have too much time on their hands.” :woman_shrugging:t2:

The name on the bottle was the important part? Gawd, they’re proving the point of this thread, I mourn our lack of culture.

Snobby new Engländer here, but real maple syrup would be an improvement. No judgement on Jemima, but that product was high fructose corn syrup. Nothing to get too nostalgic about.

Those are just the uncooked pancakes. And nobody wants them. Just like nobody wants your colleague’s sad pity party. Tell them that.
Wait, I think you already did. Good on you. :wink:


We kind of have a ‘Whitey McWhiteface’ flour brand here in Brazil, and it seems even more racist than ‘Aunt Jemima.’
It is called ‘Dona Benta’ (something like Ms. Benta) which refers to a character in a popular series of book who is the white grandma of the stories’ protagonists, and it tries to inspire the idea of grandma’s food.
However, in the whole series, the white grandma never cooks, and she have a slaveblack maid called ‘Tia (Aunt) Anastacia’ who does all the home work, including the cooking, but doesn’t get any recognition.



Damn near choked on my pancakes when I read that


He’s diabetic, so he really shouldn’t eat pancakes, but it just goes to show how unhinged the whinging was.


Quinoa and flaxseed superfood pancake mix. Costs $15 per box and the mix is almost as tasty as the packaging.

He really shouldn’t make things about him that aren’t about him at all, yet here we are.

Whitey McWhiteface Pancakes. Best served with:


I don’t know who this guy is, but I like him already. Seems like a good guy.


I’m not sure either. Someone I follow retweeted it, and I thought, “I should repost that here, it’s good food for thought.”


“I’m not racist, but listen to all this racist bullshit I’m trying to rationalize…”


I’ve never, ever heard someone say, “I’m definitely not a racist” who wasn’t a screaming racist.
It’s like hearing someone say, “trust me.” If you have to say it, it’s probably not true.


Anyone who isn’t cognizant of their racial biases is unlikely to do anything to overcome them.


Or as Trump often says, “To be honest with you…”

Which always makes me think, thanks for admitting that you weren’t being honest before.


I didn’t originate this, and may have even posted it on ye olde BBS a while back, but I feel it bears repeating: When somebody starts a sentence with “I’m not a racist, but…” the next thing to fall out of their mouth is almost always a flaming cross.


She’s also so unapologetically classist.
She reminded me of some of the businesspeople interviewed on the podcast, “How I Built This.”
The interviewer always asks, towards the end, “How much of your success would you say is due to luck, and how much to grit and hard work?” He gets them to give a percentage breakdown.
Without fail, the 1st generation immigrants, POC, and others not born on 3rd base, who have worked their asses off, will say, “oh, 95% luck, for sure. The fact that I was born at this time, when a woman can do these things, and that the idea came at the right time, etc.”
Then you hear most of the ones who got $300,000 “loans” from their parents, had their living expenses covered, etc., and they are without fail saying, “oh, it was all hard work.” Or, “maybe 15% luck, but it was mainly hard work.”
As if they’re biologically unable to admit that they got lucky.
But, yeah, like the lady in the video says, “it’s more of a mind set thing.”