White House releases summary of call where Trump asked Ukraine president to investigate Biden

That’s the criminal aspect of the call, to which the DOJ will cite policy of not indicting siting presidents.

The ever-so-thin ice is with respect to impeachment, which is a political process. Laws, facts, and logic live side by side with politics and public opinion. Those last two are the thin ice where you’ll see him try to pull off a triple axle without crashing though.

I hope he falls through and freezes his lower extremities. But I’ve been disappointed before.


I blame Lost.


but is there also a real transcript?

also, did the whistle blower read this while it was classified or did s/he have another source, i.e. listened in, or something?

I think it’s a much more simple thing: It doesn’t make any fucking sense that people this stupid and obviously bad at everything could be so successful and end up in such tremendously powerful positions, so we are tempted to think they have to be cleverer than this, that there must be some kind of a reason – an evil, self-serving, bad for the country reason, but still a reason – for it when they do the equivalent of stepping on a rake a dozen times in a row.


People who worked in previous administrations have said that there are people who listen in to the conversation to transcribe it, so there are a number of people with legitimate access to the contents of the call and there is presumably a more complete transcript (or set of) somewhere.


Exactly. It makes Zelensky sound like a toadying foreigner, which I guess is what Trump wants after being put in his place by a 16 year old girl.


random, not really political observation. What’s up with government documents using that old fashioned looking typewriter font. (I’m sure there’s a lot of Boingboing fans who can name the font at a glance. ha) Seriously I don’t see that anywhere except on these sort of TOP SECRET type documents.


And don’t forget, Hillary’s fucking emails.



I bet if it’s a monospace typewriter font, then it’s theoretically harder to sneak in extra letters, words, or numbers into physical copies.

Non-monospace you could (completely theoretically) sneak in an extra 1, i, or l.


That’s fascinating and kinda cool if true!

That’s why banks used monospace for a lot of uses, after they stopped using typewriters.

For archival FBI or White House stuff, it’s just because everyone in government tended to use basically the same models of typewriters, IBM or some others.


I’m not smart enough to figure this out, but what does this possible show that Trump is legitimately unaware of as far as past investigations. I mean, if Trump KNEW who hacked the DNC, he wouldn’t be asking about weird conspiracy theories that he thinks should be investigated.

Another thing I saw today suggested that the fired prosecutor fed some made up BS about Biden to Giuliani with the hopes of keeping his job. Winning Trump’s favor by giving him what he wants… Which would explain why trump thinks Biden dirt exists…

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It has nothing to do with awareness. Trump is a dyed-in-the-wool Infowars addict and true believer. He doesn’t spout conspiracy theories for fun, or because it inures his base of equally disconnected-from-reality supporters to him, but because he honestly thinks they’re true. He wouldn’t be asking the president of Ukraine on a private call to look into the possibility that a lunatic conspiracy theory has some basis in reality if he wasn’t convinced that everyone else was covering up The Truth. It’s why the talking points on the phone call memo include the words “Deep State” in them; He’s utterly incapable of accepting the truth of the investigations that have already taken place because he’s the exact same sort of person as the asshole who stormed Comet Pizza with an AR-15 looking for child rape dens in their nonexistent basement. Only, Trump has the full force of the United States government behind his demands that other heads of state validate his completely fantastical Alex Jones-inspired fever-dreams.

In other news, it really sounds like everyone on the Republican side has finally been outmatched by their walking dildo-in-chief, because their “what I’m about to concoct as a nightmare scenario is so absurd it couldn’t possibly be true in any of the Nine Realms” attempts to steer the ship away from dangerous waters are just making things worse as the facts outstrip even their own worst fears:

Not sure why that’s the headline that’s one-boxing; the actual headline on the page is:

Pre-Transcript Release, Chris Christie Argued Trump Was Only in Trouble If He Said Something Like ‘Do Me a Favor…’


What happened to him? He ate the monkey brains and contracted the prion disease of modern Republicanism. He became Fox News Grandpa.

Hat tip to Charlie Pierce, American treasure.


Actually it sounds like, at least in this case, there is (or very well might be) a complete transcript of the conversation, compiled with voice recognition software.


Meanwhile, are you interested in the whistleblower complaint that set all this in motion?

Too bad, it’s classified: https://www.rawstory.com/2019/09/pelosi-says-trump-is-barring-her-from-speaking-out-on-the-whistleblower-complaint/

I don’t know if this is normal, but it sure tastes like the desperate flailing of a man who’s guilty and knows it.


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