White House says it was probably weather balloons

I usually don’t prefer Flansburgh’s vocals, but “That thesis has been rendered invalid” came out pretty good in the answer song.


I work in solar power, and tell people “I work in nuclear energy. For safety, we keep the reactor 150 million kilometres from the nearest major city.”


anyone remember these?

I’d be very curious to know what the regulatory environment is; and whether that has an impact on who is willing to complain and how loudly.

There’s enough history, including from The Before Times when you couldn’t just get a low power GPS module for $10, that I’d imagine that “just send a wandering package of e-waste to drift around at high altitude until maybe it comes down gently, maybe it crashes” is more legal and/or generally accepted than that summary makes it sound; but it wouldn’t be entirely surprising if, at least for any balloons that aren’t still phoning home/operating a transponder/otherwise being tracked it’s a nice-to-have if it ends up landing gently and being found by someone feeling helpful; but not something you necessarily have a leg to stand on (especially vs. an entity that can claim ‘national security’ and/or some flavor of sovereign immunity) or really want to answer the follow up “so your plan was just to dump it wherever?” line of follow up questions.

“I want to caveat”

When did caveat become a verb?

Or The 5th Dimension.

Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon?
Uh, no thanks.




I am (very tangentially) involved with this:


The sad part to go along with that, of course, is that we have enough of those missiles stockpiled that we could launch them like a 4th of July grand finale and it wouldn’t really put a dent in the supply. (As you note, at $500K each …)


I’m unclear on the size, could you provide a banana for scale please?

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